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Everything posted by Arphahat

  1. Thanks, gentlemen. I was able to copy the contents of "portal.json" into my own portal file and it is displaying properly.
  2. Thanks. How can I find where the portal blocks model is? The structure of the vanilla stuff seems to be different than the Forge, which is not unexpected, but I'm not clear on how to find the existing model.
  3. I'm trying to alter the behavior of a the vanilla portal and want to re-use the portal block (the purple block that fills a portal frame). Just extending the BlockPortal doesn't do it; while my new portal block gains the functionality, it uses the texture-not-found texture. I've created new blocks before, and created JSON files for the models. But, I'm not sure how to go about doing that for an existing texture, or if there is a better way to do that. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  4. Thanks! Where can I find the Javadocs? That would help a bunch, I think. Also, I neighborChanged is listed as deprecated, which to me implies that there is supposed to be some other way to accomplish what I am trying to do. I'll go ahead with using it, but I just wonder why. Thanks.
  5. I made a new block and I want to detect when a change is made next to it. However, the onNeighborChange() is not being triggered when blocks are added or removed next or on the block, nor is it triggering on fire being added. It does trigger when a chest is placed next to it, however. Any ideas on either how to get onNeighborChange() to trigger properly or if there is a different function I want to be using? Thanks.
  6. I made a mod several versions ago, but let it fall to the side. Now, I see a potential use for it and would like to get it working again, but I am have no clue how to update to the new system. Looking through tutorials, I am finding a mishmash of old and new stuff and am hoping that someone can direct me to a reliable resource. Thanks.
  7. Updated for 1.51. You will need the latest version of Forge Mod Loader if you want to run that one. Otherwise, v1.0.0 is the one you want.
  8. Updated for 1.51. You will need the latest version of Forge Mod Loader if you want to run that one. Otherwise, v1.0.0 is the one you want.
  9. OK, I experimented a little bit and it seems that the logic is reversed from how it used to behave. The block id that is used in the notify neighbor is of the block that was there before the update. So, if you are placing fire in a spot that was just air, it will be a 0, but if you knock down a block, it will give the id of the block. So, to look for fire, I just have to let it check for 0 and then check the status of the block as it is now. It will call the check more frequently, since it will also be 0 whenever any block is placed, but it won't call it abusively nor generate lag, so it is tolerable.
  10. OK, I experimented a little bit and it seems that the logic is reversed from how it used to behave. The block id that is used in the notify neighbor is of the block that was there before the update. So, if you are placing fire in a spot that was just air, it will be a 0, but if you knock down a block, it will give the id of the block. So, to look for fire, I just have to let it check for 0 and then check the status of the block as it is now. It will call the check more frequently, since it will also be 0 whenever any block is placed, but it won't call it abusively nor generate lag, so it is tolerable.
  11. I am trying to update my mod to work in 1.5. Much of it was trivial or little changes, but a core mechanic I was relying on seems different and I'm not sure what it is doing or how to adjust. I was relying on setBlock to in World to call notifyBlockChange with the id of the block, in this case, the fire block (id 51). Before, it worked great. Now, however, instead of just passing the block id (par4), it passes k1 which is "k1 = chunk.getBlockID(par1 & 15, par2, par3 & 15);" Why is it ANDing the coordinates of the block with 15? Tracing it through that area, it seems to find 51 again, but then decides to return 0. It then uses this 0 instead of passing the 51 in par4 into notifyBlockChange. Grrrr!!! Anyhow, my important question is this: I need to know when a block is next to a fire block. I was previously overriding the "onNeighborBlockChange" and checking to see if the id was fire. Now the id is always 0. Is there another way I can do this?
  12. I am trying to update my mod to work in 1.5. Much of it was trivial or little changes, but a core mechanic I was relying on seems different and I'm not sure what it is doing or how to adjust. I was relying on setBlock to in World to call notifyBlockChange with the id of the block, in this case, the fire block (id 51). Before, it worked great. Now, however, instead of just passing the block id (par4), it passes k1 which is "k1 = chunk.getBlockID(par1 & 15, par2, par3 & 15);" Why is it ANDing the coordinates of the block with 15? Tracing it through that area, it seems to find 51 again, but then decides to return 0. It then uses this 0 instead of passing the 51 in par4 into notifyBlockChange. Grrrr!!! Anyhow, my important question is this: I need to know when a block is next to a fire block. I was previously overriding the "onNeighborBlockChange" and checking to see if the id was fire. Now the id is always 0. Is there another way I can do this?
  13. Tired of making a portal into the nether, exploring a bit and then returning through that portal... only to find yourself hundreds of blocks away from where you were expecting? Do you want a portal that spawns exactly where the coordinates calculate it should, regardless of the consequences? Well, if you do, then XPP is for you! eXact Portal Placement is a mod I wrote because the inexactness of the portal location always frustrated me. The mod currently has two blocks, Obsidian Brick and Obsidian Brick Corner Stone. Obsidian Brick has two recipes, 4 obsidian surrounding 1 soulsand for 4 Obsidian Bricks, or 2 Obsidian sandwiching a soulsand for 2. Obsidian Brick Corner Stone is made by smelting an Obsidian Brick. The XPP portal can be made with either. To make this function, you build a portal out of either obsidian brick or the obsidian brick corner stone block. Light it as normal. The positioning of the portal in the nether will be exactly 1/8 the x and z values in the over world. The y value will remain exactly the same. So, you might spawn a portal in the middle of netherrack and need to dig out. Or, you might have a portal floating in mid air. Or, you might be under a pool of lava (be careful!) The Y value remaining the same allows you to build 2 different portals to the nether at different heights at the same x/z coordinates. Because of the 2 wide portal entrance and each one calculating to a different spot, there is a minimum x/z distance of 16 blocks necessary between portals in the overworld and minimum x/z distance of 2 blocks in the nether. This is a mod for 1.47. Also, just updated for 1.51! Configuration: The mod generates an XPP.cfg file that has a few settings right now. You can alter the block ids of the obsidian brick, the obsidian brick corner stone and also the portal that it spawns. The defaults are 2500, 2501 and 2502. There is also a cool-down timer that prevents endless accidental portaling up and back between the two dimensions. It is in milliseconds and the default is 5000, five seconds. If you run into issues where you are bouncing up and back because of lag, you can increase this value. Future Plans: I intend to add ways to upgrade the corner stones that will alter the behavior of the portals. One of the ideas include having the spawned portal build a safe room so that spawning under lava won't kill you. I am open to suggestions. I've tested this in single player and also have had a couple of iterations on a server I am on. However, I bet there are going to be problems that I haven't encountered. Please, feel free to post them here. Here is the mod: xpp_v1.0.0.zip for mc 1.47. xpp_v1.5.0.zip for mc 1.51. Installation: I made it with this with Forge and that will need to be installed for it to work. I recommend the Forge mod loader, used by FTB. After running FTB and selecting the mod pack you wish to play with, click "edit mod pack" and then browse to the xpp zip and add it. If you don't want to use FTB, however, to install manually, copy the xpp zip to the "minecraft\mods" directory after first installing Forge. Honestly, most of my experience with mods has been via FTB and it makes it very, very easy to add and remove mods. If someone else has experience with installing mods manually and would like to help with a writeup of how-to for mine, I'd appreciate it. Recipes: Obsidian Brick: Obsidian Brick Corner Stone: A little of each: Copyright statement: This mod (plugin, a patch to Minecraft source, henceforth "Mod" or "The Mod"), by the terms of http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp is sole property of the Mod author (Arphahat, henceforth "Owner" or "The Owner"). By default it may only be distributed on minecraftforums.net, mcmodcenter.net, minecraftforge.net and http://feed-the-beast.com. It may only be mirrored or reposted with advance written permission of the Owner. Electronic Mail is fine if you wait for a response. URL shorteners or other attempts to make money off The Owner's Mod are strictly forbidden without advance written permission
  14. Tired of making a portal into the nether, exploring a bit and then returning through that portal... only to find yourself hundreds of blocks away from where you were expecting? Do you want a portal that spawns exactly where the coordinates calculate it should, regardless of the consequences? Well, if you do, then XPP is for you! eXact Portal Placement is a mod I wrote because the inexactness of the portal location always frustrated me. The mod currently has two blocks, Obsidian Brick and Obsidian Brick Corner Stone. Obsidian Brick has two recipes, 4 obsidian surrounding 1 soulsand for 4 Obsidian Bricks, or 2 Obsidian sandwiching a soulsand for 2. Obsidian Brick Corner Stone is made by smelting an Obsidian Brick. The XPP portal can be made with either. To make this function, you build a portal out of either obsidian brick or the obsidian brick corner stone block. Light it as normal. The positioning of the portal in the nether will be exactly 1/8 the x and z values in the over world. The y value will remain exactly the same. So, you might spawn a portal in the middle of netherrack and need to dig out. Or, you might have a portal floating in mid air. Or, you might be under a pool of lava (be careful!) The Y value remaining the same allows you to build 2 different portals to the nether at different heights at the same x/z coordinates. Because of the 2 wide portal entrance and each one calculating to a different spot, there is a minimum x/z distance of 16 blocks necessary between portals in the overworld and minimum x/z distance of 2 blocks in the nether. This is a mod for 1.47. Also, just updated for 1.51! Configuration: The mod generates an XPP.cfg file that has a few settings right now. You can alter the block ids of the obsidian brick, the obsidian brick corner stone and also the portal that it spawns. The defaults are 2500, 2501 and 2502. There is also a cool-down timer that prevents endless accidental portaling up and back between the two dimensions. It is in milliseconds and the default is 5000, five seconds. If you run into issues where you are bouncing up and back because of lag, you can increase this value. Future Plans: I intend to add ways to upgrade the corner stones that will alter the behavior of the portals. One of the ideas include having the spawned portal build a safe room so that spawning under lava won't kill you. I am open to suggestions. I've tested this in single player and also have had a couple of iterations on a server I am on. However, I bet there are going to be problems that I haven't encountered. Please, feel free to post them here. Here is the mod: xpp_v1.0.0.zip for mc 1.47. xpp_v1.5.0.zip for mc 1.51. Installation: I made it with this with Forge and that will need to be installed for it to work. I recommend the Forge mod loader, used by FTB. After running FTB and selecting the mod pack you wish to play with, click "edit mod pack" and then browse to the xpp zip and add it. If you don't want to use FTB, however, to install manually, copy the xpp zip to the "minecraft\mods" directory after first installing Forge. Honestly, most of my experience with mods has been via FTB and it makes it very, very easy to add and remove mods. If someone else has experience with installing mods manually and would like to help with a writeup of how-to for mine, I'd appreciate it. Recipes: Obsidian Brick: Obsidian Brick Corner Stone: A little of each: Copyright statement: This mod (plugin, a patch to Minecraft source, henceforth "Mod" or "The Mod"), by the terms of http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp is sole property of the Mod author (Arphahat, henceforth "Owner" or "The Owner"). By default it may only be distributed on minecraftforums.net, mcmodcenter.net, minecraftforge.net and http://feed-the-beast.com. It may only be mirrored or reposted with advance written permission of the Owner. Electronic Mail is fine if you wait for a response. URL shorteners or other attempts to make money off The Owner's Mod are strictly forbidden without advance written permission
  15. How do I output text to the chat window? Right now, I am trying just to use it for debug purposes, but it is something that could prove useful to me later.
  16. Thanks. Is that still used? It looks like it was updated sometime in September of last year. I guess it is a good place to start, though. Also, for is there some stock config file code I could snag? I assume letting the block IDs be configurable in the config is a good start.
  17. I have a mod that I am thinking of releasing soon, but would like to try to ensure that my block ids aren't conflicting with someone else's mods. Is there some central location where I can register the ids I want to use or anything?
  18. Oh, thanks! I should have just looked. Duh.
  19. I have a mod I've been working on and am ready to try doing some testing outside of Eclipse. I try to run "recompile.bat" and get the following: == MCP 7.26 (data: 7.26, client: 1.4.7, server: 1.4.7) == # found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, astyle, astyle config == Recompiling client == > Cleaning bin > Recompiling - Done in 11.17 seconds !! Can not find server sources, try decompiling !! Any hints as to what I need to look at?
  20. Thanks. That is a good idea, but one I've already dismissed. The portal spawning might be in mid air and putting the player forward a space may drop them to their death. I could spawn a platform, too, but I'd rather leave this as my "last resort".
  21. I am making a portal that behaves similarly to the existing nether portals. When I teleport the player into the other dimension, it places them in an existing or new portal. Either way, the interaction with the portal blocks immediately triggers another teleport back to the overworld, and then back to the nether, etc. I put in a countdown, but it only gets updated when the player is standing in the portal blocks, and is a cumbersome workaround. What I'd really like is a way to flag the player as already being teleported until they leave and re-enter the portal, but am struggling with this. I was thinking an event might work, but am not familiar with them and am not sure which one, if any, would help here. Any input is appreciated. Also, as an aside, I am also trying to duplicate the "wavy effect" that comes with standing in the portal after arriving in the other dimension, but am having difficulty tracking down where that happens or what triggers it. Any help with this is also appreciated.
  22. No problem! Hey, if you come up with, or already have, an optimized routine for the "ignitablePortalBlock" part, I'd be interested. The way it is right now, it only needs to check starting with assuming the block is one of the two in the base of the portal, but it still is going to take some thought to iterate through it properly.
  23. OK, I figured it out. I'll provide the details here for anyone else looking for this (most likely me from the future trying to remember how to do this. ) World.java has a routine called "notifyBlockOfNeighborChange". It is called for a number of reasons, like when a block is placed. One of these is when fire is next to a block. This routine calls the block's "onNeighborBlockChange" routine. So, in your block code, it is as easy as adding something like this: @Override public void onNeighborBlockChange(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5) { if (par5 == Block.fire.blockID) { // check to see if the fire is on top of block if (this.fireOnBlock()) { // check if this block is ignitable part of a portal frame. There are two per portal. if (this.ignitablePortalBlock()) { this.lightPoral(); } } } }
  24. Thanks. Is there a centralized location where I could find all the events? Edit: I found this link: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Event_Reference But, at a glance, nothing here seems to be something that is triggered by fire on a block. Where do I need to look?
  25. So, I think this is probably a pretty easy question, but I am still pretty new to messing around with MC modding. I am trying to open a portal using fire like a traditional obsidian portal. What do I need to detect? I think I should be able to do a check in the tickUpdate function like was being done in this thread and just check to see if the portal frame block has fire on it every certain number of ticks, but I am wondering if there is a better way?
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