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Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Wow it worked thanks, when I said I was using VPN I meant in browser so I was able to download the forge file from website that way but it would not let me download files at first until I actually downloaded the VPN onto the computer itself and use it that way, I'm so stupid I should have tried this, never even thought about it. Would this mean everytime I use minecraft I have to have VPN active to use it or was it just to download files? I hope people see this thread if they are having same trouble, it was driving me up the wall.
  2. Yes I had noticed that the website was not accessible in browser, did not think it was ISP though. I had to use VPN to download forge to start with. So there is no way around getting the files for it to work? I don't think me complaining to BT would solve anything, if they've blocked it it will probably stay blocked. Surprised there isn't more people having this issue, BT is popular ISP in UK. Well if there nothing you can do then so be it, thanks for trying though.
  3. Who is my ISP? BT I've tried many things to solve it including suggestion in these other threads but no luck. I think I will have to live without forge. https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/74392-forge-1144-these-libraries-failed-to-download-try-again/ https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/74922-solved-these-libraries-failed-to-download/ This post has a screenshot of near enough the same files missing as me and suggests to update java, done that, tried many of the java links and doesn't work. https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/72852-forge-1143-libraries-failed-to-download/ https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/52285-forge-installation-issues/
  4. If you can't solve it though no problem I will just leave it off and find something else.
  5. I don't see it, just another launcher.log file. Nevermind though I will do without forge for now, more trouble than it's worth to be honest, spent enough hours trying to figure it out can't be dealing with it right now thanks anyway. After looking around in folders I think I found it, I'm hoping this is the one. Please say you know how to fix it it is driving me up the wall, I'm not as tech savy as you guys. forge-1.14.4-28.2.0-installer.jar.log
  6. I don't know if this is the right log file or not, it was in the log folder of minecraft latest.
  7. Hi, I haven't played Minecraft for a few years and recently just tried to get back into it but I'm having a problem installing recent version of forge. I have uninstalled and reinstalled minecraft i've also done the same with java which is version 8 and I still come up against the same problem. When I click install on the forge launcher it begins to install but when finished it pops a box up with an error stating I have missing library files, I have no idea what these are. I managed to locate 2 missing files online and put them in the folder but the rest I have no idea, surely I don't have to manually install each? I will post a screenshot of the files it says I am missing, hopefully someone can help me I spent hours searching online and about to give up on this game already.
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