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Posts posted by rexlz

  1. On 2/24/2020 at 4:18 PM, diesieben07 said:

    ServerChatEvent is a server-side event. Did you install the mod on the server?

    Show your code.

    Yeah...I'm trying to understand the concept of two sides in Minecraft. As I see it, ServerChatEvent should fire when a player chat on server.

    The code below is event loader.

    public class EventLoader {    
        public EventLoader()
        ResourceLocation location = new ResourceLocation("mytestmod", "mytestmod.test");
        SoundEvent se = new SoundEvent(location);
        public void onPlayerChat(ServerChatEvent event)
            event.getPlayer().sendMessage(new TextComponentString("fired!"));
            event.getPlayer().world.playSound(null, event.getPlayer().getPosition(),se, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1.0F, 1.0F);


    And I initiate it in the main class.

    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
        new EventLoader();


    The result when I test it on my remote server was nothing happen.

  2. 3 hours ago, IAmAFrenchFry said:

    I’m not 100% sure if this is better or what you want, but I think it would be a better route to do this with a plugin, and players can run a command if they want to hear the sound when chatting. If you do this, I would suggest checking out SpigotMC.org.


    Hope this helps!

    Thanks man, I'll consider that. But I'd still like to figure out a way to do it in a forge mod, as I'm also learning to mod. In fact it's not only the sound won't play, but the event itself not fires when I connect to my server as a client, where I'd try adding some other functions later on. The event does fire and function normally when I play singleplayer.

  3. I've started modding with forge recently, and I want to create a mod to play a custom sound upon player chatting on my server.


    I used ServerChatEvent as the event to trigger the sound, however that event doesn't really fire when I chat on my server as a client(no sound heard, no debug info). Other events like ItemCraftedEvent fires normally on my server.

    I also tried my mod in singleplayer, ServerChatEvent works properly there(when I chat I could hear the sound correctly).


    So, what could be the problem?

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