Thank you for your answer, but how am I supposed to do that ?
Is it the correct way to get the sign's tile entity ? :
TileEntitySign tileEntitySign = (TileEntitySign) Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(0, 0, 0));
I'm currently making a mod for game automation, and I would need the mod to automaticly write something on a sign.
I tried to simulate keyboard keys using the java Robot class, but it only send keys to the current active window, and not to the game, if it's not active...
I was wondering if there is a "forge" way to write something in a sign.
Is it possible ?
I'm trying to retrieve scorboard infos.
Here is what I tried :
public static void getSB() {
Scoreboard scoreboard = mc.getWorld().getScoreboard();
if (scoreboard == null) {
System.out.println("no sb");
List<String> sidebarScores = getSidebarScores(scoreboard);
for (String sidebarScore : sidebarScores) {
public static List<String> getSidebarScores(Scoreboard scoreboard) {
List<String> found = new ArrayList<>();
ScoreObjective sidebar = scoreboard.getObjectiveInDisplaySlot(1);
if (sidebar != null) {
List<Score> scores = new ArrayList<>(scoreboard.getScores());
found =
.filter(score -> score.getObjective().getName().equals(sidebar.getName()))
.map(score -> score.getPlayerName() + getSuffixFromContainingTeam(scoreboard, score.getPlayerName()))
return found;
private static String getSuffixFromContainingTeam(Scoreboard scoreboard, String member) {
String suffix = null;
for (ScorePlayerTeam team : scoreboard.getTeams()) {
if (team.getMembershipCollection().contains(member)) {
suffix = team.getSuffix();
return (suffix == null ? "" : suffix);
But it only print random info from the scoreboard.
I have no idea how to fix this problem
Maybe there is a simpler way, anyone knows how to grab scoreboard infos ?
Thank you for you answer Azaka7, however, I don't have " Project and External Dependedncies" in the eclipse package explorer, here is how it looks like...
Oh yeah thanks ! I got it working.
And btw, how I am supposed to "look in the code myself" ? Idrk how to do this...
Also, I found this in the forge javadoc : public void clearChatMessages(boolean p_146231_1_) ... why do they have to give these weird names?
Hi, I added the baritone api to classpath and I created a libs folder in which I put the file. Howerver it only works when the mod is compiled, in eclipse it will crash
I already created this topic but scince 1.12.2 is no longer supported here, I updated to 1.15.2.
As the title says, I'm trying to clear the chat, I mean how to reset the chat, like when you enter a world.
Anyone knows how to do this ?