My minecraft forge test client do not want to run just 24 hours after a successful launch, log file is attached and crash-report. Please no harsh comments since I'm still very new to Java and Modding
I have tried to reinstall the forge MDK
crash-2020-05-07_11.42.35-client.txt latest.log
I now have my override,
in the other topic you posted, you mentioned editing the list
I have this code:
public ItemStack createIcon()
return new ItemStack(ItemList.copper_ingot);
public void fill(NonNullList<ItemStack> items)
what's the list i'm suppose to edit?
Is there any formula or equation for how Blast resistance is calculated?
because if I write ... hardnessAndResistance(2.0f, 30.0f)... (a cobblestone block registry), the cobblestone that my mod added is immune to an explosion. The value is from Minecraft wiki