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  1. Good to know, thank you!
  2. When making a block directional, I noticed in 1.16 that inherited methods AbstractBlock#rotate, AbstractBlock#mirror, and AbstractBlock#getRenderShape are all deprecated now without any notes on what to use instead? Is this deprecation meant to prevent invoking these methods or should I not be overriding them anymore as well? I just don't really know what else to use for the same functionality when it comes to creating a directional block.
  3. Thank you so much!
  4. I apologize for the somewhat noob question, but I recently updated my mod to 1.16 and noticed that MCPBot only has mappings for 1.15.2. I asked around and heard that there is a new system for getting updated mappings for 1.16 and beyond but nobody seemed to know exactly what this system was or how to use it. Does anyone know where I can get these mappings? I am in the discord as well but decided to ask here instead incase it helps out other people searching a similar question. Thanks!
  5. A coremod is somewhat of an "addon" to forge that allows the developer to edit all of the vanilla source code of Minecraft. Considering you have "coremods present," you either are using a coremod or may have downloaded a fake verison of forge? not really sure tbh
  6. You won't get any support here. Coremods are not supported or encouraged by the official forge modding community.
  7. as an update, I was able to access transformers to get access to the slipperiness field for blocks, but I cannot assign to it because it is final. Is there really no way whatsoever to access vanilla block properties??
  8. I was wondering if it's at all possible to change the slipperiness value of every vanilla block to the same value. I wish blocks had some sort of setSlipperiness(int newValue) method so I could just loop through all the vanilla blocks and change this property. Is there even a way to do this? I know how to replace a vanilla block, but I'm hoping that there is an alternative method so I do not have to recreate every single vanilla block in the game and replace it with my custom one (what a pain that would be)!
  9. Maybe try overriding the getAmbientOcclusionLightValue method? You can change the float value from 0F to 1.0F, with 0 being a more concentrated shadow and 1.0 being a more spread out shadow. If that doesn't work, maybe try setting the VoxelShape to empty @Override public float getAmbientOcclusionLightValue(BlockState p_220080_1_, IBlockReader p_220080_2_, BlockPos p_220080_3_) { return 1.0F; // Fixes shadow }
  10. I was just using ItemBase to test an item, it was never meant to be a solid solution. As for the second problem, I don't see why it's bad practice to create an Item outside of the registry event. The items all still get registered using the proper event and the code is much more readable while preventing a TON of repeated code. Why would it ever be better to type out the line below for every single item or block? event.getRegistry().register(new Item(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MISC)).setRegistryName("name"); instead i can just type: Item i = new ItemType("name"); and the rest is handled in the class constructor. Is there something I am missing?
  11. Does nobody seriously have any idea? Is something broken with Forge? I have never run into this problem despite years of messing around with modding. I even tried recompiling forge and starting over from scratch but i STILL cannot get recipes to work!
  12. Sorry for the confusion, but they most definitely are registered. In the ItemBase class constructor, I add each Item instance to the ArrayList, accessed statically from WitcheryItems. This is to make the code more readable and repeat less code overall. They are definitely registered because the items all work normally in-game, have textures, and can be accessed from the creative menu.
  13. I added my github repository if that helps anyone find the problem!
  14. I cannot seem to get any recipes to load, whether I am using vanilla items or items from my own mod! Same thing goes for smelting recipes or shapeless crafting. My custom items are registered, named, and textured (and I can use them in-game perfectly), so that is not the problem. From what I can gather, forge must not be able to locate my data folder, since my JSON files are valid but don't seem to do anything. What exactly is the problem here??
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