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Tree Puncher

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  1. I created a forge minecraft server, and ran everything, did the port forward and such, and it works fine except for one thing. The mod(pixelmon) does not load server-side. I can connect to the server, and i can play on it fine, it just runs as though the mod is not even there. I put the pixelmon file in the "mods" folder in the server folder, and reinstalled the server version multiple times. The mod runs client-side just fine. This is my first time using ubuntu so i would not be suprised if it was a very stupid mistake.(and i am using the recommended version of forge for pixelmon). i have a feeling that it has something to do with the version of java i am running. I installed the latest version for ubuntu, but i am not sure if that is a problem. I feel like this is a very simple error and any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (yes i know that 1.12.2 is no longer supported, but i don't know where else to go for support, and since this isn't specific to 1.12.2 i was hoping for help, apologies) 2020-03-28-1 latest
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