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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Ok, so how else can you modify a class in another mod?
  2. Is a coremod the only way to modify another mod's behavior?
  3. Are coremods classes that use IFMLLoadingPlugin? Why does https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderCore/blob/1.12/src/main/java/com/enderio/core/common/transform/EnderCorePlugin.java, what appears to be a coremod, also use mixin? Can you do some things with mixin that you can't with a coremod, or vice versa? Do you need a special mod to use mixin?
  4. So I've heard a good bit about coremods, asm, and mixins and I'm kind of confused. What are they and what can they modify? When should they be used? To be clear, I do not have any intention of making a coremod. I just want to know more about them.
  5. I'm trying to make a machine. The sides, top, and bottom should all have the same texture, and the front should have its own texture. The front should be determined by the placer's orientation. I've tried everything I can for this, and I can only get it to put the front on the north side. The machine has an inventory so I can't extend anything other than BlockContainer. Currently, this is what I have: Block class - https://pastebin.com/KS6v6vF8 Blockstate file - https://pastebin.com/Gf6MrpLz Model file - https://pastebin.com/pRXXfYRV - This model is the one for north. I have 4 model files for each direction (neutronn, neutrons, neutrone, neutronw), each with neutron_front on its respective side. I've tried everything I could find online for this, and followed all the tutorials I found, none of them worked. Please help.
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