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  1. I am currently Porting a mod from 1.19 to 1.20.1, one of the Items writes some information into the chat when used. To prevent spamming older messages are deleted. public boolean receive(Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> context) { context.get().enqueueWork(() -> { ChatComponent chatGui = Minecraft.getInstance().gui.getChat(); chatGui.deleteMessage(signature); chatGui.addMessage(message, signature, GuiMessageTag.system()); }); return true; } In 1.20.1 it doesn't work anymore. The Message gets replaced after 60 Seconds with a message saying: "This chat message has been deleted by the server."
  2. Yea, I checked it out and it doesn’t seem to be viable anymore. My current Plan is to check the area beforehand and save whatever Blocks there are in a variable.
  3. I am currently in the process of porting a mod to 1.18.2 an it contains a partially buried structure. The Structure is supposed to contain some Top-Blocks(in plains grass, in the desert sand, on mushroom island mycelium). In 1.16 I got the Top-Block of the Biome, but it looks like that isn't possible anymore. @Override protected void handleDataMarker(String function, BlockPos pos, ServerLevelAccessor worldIn, Random rand, BoundingBox boundingBox) { case "top_block": worldIn.setBlock(pos, genWorld.getBiome(pos).value().getGenerationSettings().getSurfaceBuilderConfig().getTopMaterial(), Block.UPDATE_CLIENTS); break; }
  4. Ok so this is from the first library. This is a library for multible mods. I did not create any part of it, so I don't know what some parts. public static Field findField(Class<?> clazz, String srg) { try { String remapped = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.remapName(srg); Field f = clazz.getDeclaredField(remapped); f.setAccessible(true); return f; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } The method remapName(INameMappingService.Domain, String) in the type ObfuscationReflectionHelper is not applicable for the arguments (String) public IvWorldData(CompoundNBT compound, MCRegistry registry) { compound = compound.copy(); // Copy since ID fix tags are being removed when being applied final DataFixer fixer = DataFixesManager.getDataFixer(); blockCollection = new IvBlockCollection(compound.getCompound("blockCollection"), registry); tileEntities = new ArrayList<>(); tileEntities.addAll(NBTTagLists.compoundsFrom(compound, "tileEntities")); tileEntities.forEach(teCompound -> NBTStateInjector.recursivelyApply(teCompound, registry, false)); tileEntities.replaceAll(teCompound -> NBTUtil.update(fixer, TypeReferences.BLOCK_ENTITY, teCompound, 0)); entities = new ArrayList<>(); entities.addAll(NBTTagLists.compoundsFrom(compound, "entities")); entities.forEach(entityCompound -> NBTStateInjector.recursivelyApply(entityCompound, registry, false)); tileEntities.replaceAll(teCompound -> NBTUtil.update(fixer, TypeReferences.ENTITY, teCompound, 0)); } The method update(DataFixer, DefaultTypeReferences, CompoundNBT, int) in the type NBTUtil is not applicable for the arguments (DataFixer, DSL.TypeReference, CompoundNBT, int) public static void moveEntityDefault(Entity entity, BlockPos dist) { if (entity instanceof EntityHanging) { EntityHanging entityHanging = (EntityHanging) entity; BlockPos hangingPosition = entityHanging.getHangingPosition().add(dist); entityHanging.setPosition(hangingPosition.getX(), hangingPosition.getY(), hangingPosition.getZ()); } else { entity.setPosition(entity.getPosX() + dist.getX(), entity.getPosY() + dist.getY(), entity.getPosZ() + dist.getZ()); } if (entity instanceof CreatureEntity) { CreatureEntity entityCreature = (CreatureEntity) entity; EntityCreatureAccessor.setHomePosition(entityCreature, entityCreature.getHomePosition().add(dist)); } } EntityHanging cannot be resolved to a type public static List<ServerPlayerEntity> getPlayersWatchingChunk(World world, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { if (world.isRemote || !(world instanceof ServerWorld)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } ArrayList<ServerPlayerEntity> playersWatching = new ArrayList<>(); ServerWorld server = (ServerWorld) world; PlayerChunkMap playerManager = server.getPlayerChunkMap(); List<ServerPlayerEntity> mpplayers = server.getPlayers(); playersWatching.addAll(mpplayers.stream().filter(player -> playerManager.isPlayerWatchingChunk(player, chunkX, chunkZ)).collect(Collectors.toList())); return playersWatching; } PlayerChunkMap cannot be resolved to a type The method getPlayerChunkMap() is undefined for the type ServerWorld public static Effect[] readNBTPotions(String id, CompoundNBT compound) { if (compound.contains(id)) { ListNBT nbtTagList = compound.getList(id, Constants.NBT.TAG_STRING); Effect[] potions = new Effect[nbtTagList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < potions.length; i++) potions[i] = Effect.read(nbtTagList.getCompound(i)); return potions; } return null; } public static void writeNBTPotions(String id, Effect[] potions, CompoundNBT compound) { if (potions != null) { ListNBT nbtTagList = new ListNBT(); for (Effect p : potions) nbtTagList.add(p.write(new CompoundNBT())); compound.put(id, nbtTagList); } } The method read(CompoundNBT) is undefined for the type Effect The method write(CompoundNBT) is undefined for the type Effect @Override public boolean removeEntity(Entity entity) { world.removeEntity(entity); return true; } The method removeEntity(Entity) is undefined for the type World @Override public List<Entity> getEntities(AxisAlignedBB bounds, @Nullable Predicate<? super Entity> predicate) { return worldData.entities.stream() .filter(nbt -> { ListNBT pos = nbt.getList("Pos", 6); return bounds.contains(new Vec3d(pos.getDouble(0), pos.getDouble(1), pos.getDouble(2))); }) .map(nbt -> EntityType.create(nbt, IvTileEntityHelper.getAnyWorld())) .filter(predicate) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } Cannot infer type argument(s) for <R> map(Function<? super T,? extends R>)
  5. Ok it's nice, but is there something more in depth. The problems I have are very specific. For context this are the mods i work at: https://github.com/TheidenHD/RecurrentComplex https://github.com/TheidenHD/IvToolkit https://github.com/TheidenHD/MCOpts
  6. Hey guys! Recently I started modding with trying to update a mod (from 1.12/1.13 to 1.15)that i like. I now have the problem that a lot of stuff changed. I figure out most of them(hopefully) but there are a few that i can't figure out. Is there documentation that lists all major changes? I'm bored of looking for mods that exist in both versions and using the exact same features and seeing how they did it.
  7. I build a 1.12 Version of a 1.7 Mod. I input a net.minecraft.item.ItemStack into int[] net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.getOreIDs(@Nonnull ItemStack stack) an get a "Stack can not be invalid!" Error the function in Forge is if (stack.func_190926_b()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack can not be invalid!"); so wat dos func_190926_b do?
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