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  1. Okay I'll check it out thanks.
  2. This is my thread. Unless I'm replying wrong?
  3. I'm not trying to play a pack, there's a specific mod I want to try. I was using twitch because my computer doesn't want to open any .jar files for some reason, so I can't run the installer.
  4. Is there any way I can download this file individually? And is there a way to make sure I'm running JRE 8? I have 10 installed as well because that's what I program in, but I don't know how to keep stuff from defaulting.
  5. I'm new to using forge, and I'm using it through twitch. My error message says that I am missing the forge client. Is there any way I can download this separately? [main/FATAL]: Failed to find Minecraft resource version 1.15.2-20200414.225201 at C:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft\Install\libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.15.2-31.1.46\forge-1.15.2-31.1.46-client.jar
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