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Everything posted by Skwibb

  1. I am getting this bug too, and only when forge is installed. I removed it, and the players stayed visible, but they seem to keep disappearing when forge is installed. I was playing the Sabotage pvp server, and whenever i attacked someone or got hit, everyone would disappear, and they could still hit me. [move][glow=red,2,300]Please fix :'([/glow][/move]
  2. I have the same problem, but it doesn't show the mojang logo at all. If I already deleted the minecraft META INF as well as the forge one, should I drag the forge one back in? The mods I have installed are optifine, forge, and in-game nbt edit. *Note: Later, I tried putting the forge files back in, and it still crashed. The files in the forge META INF seemed to not have any effect
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