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  1. Hmm, no-one knows? I guess that means it's pretty difficult....
  2. I think using a queue would have been a much better idea than recursion.
  3. I know I can give multiple bounding boxes to a Block with addCollidingBlockToList(), how can I do the same for Entities? I'm writing a ship mod, that the player builds in Blocks and then launches. I was planning to convert each Block to an Entity at launch (like the Zeppelin mod), but having thousands of Entities moving around is a huge resource hog and limits the size of the ships. So now I'm thinking a single Entity, with some data for each block: I render every "block" that is stored in the core Entity, but I also need a bounding box for each, and my custom AABB class doesn't give the desired results - there must be a way to do this that I don't know about...
  4. Thank you Ben! I have been stuck on that for so long.....
  5. Thanks for the reply N1xx1. I had looked at those classes already, and made an attempt to setCustomSpawning() in EntityRegistry, but failed (perhaps because I didn't use a custom spawn packet???).... Why do I need a custom spawning packet? What (specifically) should I be planning to achieve with it? I can handle packet sending in general, but where can I get more info on custom spawning packets in particular?
  6. As a learning step on my way to building a custom ship mod, I am trying to get working a wand item that deletes a block and replaces it with an entity that looks and feels exactly like the block. Seems reasonably straightforward, and it mostly works, but when my renderer tries to access the blockId of the deleted block (which I store in the new entity) it is rendering, the code fails (so currently the best I can do is render all the entities as the same arbitrary block type...) This is because the default entity constructor, Entity(World) is called (not by me!) by cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.spawnEntityIntoClientWorld() at some point after my world.spawnEntityInWorld( entity ) call, and before the renderer starts rendering, which resets the blockId stored in the entity to 0 before the renderer can use it. I assume this all happens because of something I've done wrong somewhere... Is it related to something happening on the client side that shouldn't be happening? Is it anything to do with how/where I have registered my entity/renderer, etc? What can I do to stop this extra call to the default constructor of my entity? My wand item that turns a block to an entity: My entity that looks and feels like a block: My renderer for the entity: And just in case, here is my mod class, and client proxy (my common proxy has nothing happening in it):
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