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  1. I do not know if you have gotten it all to work. For me it was the fact the client.jar was not there, either twitch's fault, Mojang's, or Forge themselves. if you go to http://files.minecraftforge.net/ find the forge version you need, download the Installer. Now, for me i was using the native launcher and it could not find any info in the .minecraft folder in %appdata%, once again either Twitch Mojang's doing. do open Minecraft vanilla once to be safe, then open the Forge Installer if it does not find anything in the .minecraft folder find where twitch has saved minecraft and find the install folded. in this case "E:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft\Curse\Minecraft\Install" it should no longer be red and is ok to install Forge. then just open it up like usual. at least this worked for me hope it does for you.
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