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Posts posted by CobaltM

  1. Ran into this exact same issue. Uninstalled eclipse/my jdk/even tried things like deleting .minecraft and reinstalling forge.


    What I noticed is that whenever I ran ./gradlew genEclipseRuns it was building ~very~ fast, so I downloaded another version of the sourceForge mdk  and rebuilt and it worked.


    I went with mdk 31.1.30, because my second guess was that this might be a new uncaught bug.

    But my guess is that it just has to be a different version, so maybe 31.1.48 or something.


    My guess is there is something being cached by gradle for that initial eclipse build from the newer java version.


    Maybe a faster way to fix this can be done by looking  into ...\.gradle\caches and deleting forge related caches.

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