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Kevin Phung

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Everything posted by Kevin Phung

  1. These variables come from rect.vert: So what happened to rect.vert
  2. How do I have a broken shader if all of the shader are a direct copy from here, which does work.
  3. Got this in latest.log after running minecraft in the official launcher. I also got this when trying to load "Source Han Sans CN Medium"(custom font). The last 10 lines in latest.log shows I got disconnected, but the screen stays like this:
  4. Got this in latest.log(link deleted) after running minecraft with deobfuscated pre16. In the jar file, this is all I see:
  5. Got this error while trying to use the deobfuscated OptiFine 1.15.2 HD U G1 pre14.jar in eclipse:
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