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  1. Hey, I've been trying to change entities' so they all appear transparent Noticed that opengl has a method for that, color4f, but I didn't managed to make it work whatsoever Would really appreciate if someone could help me a bit
  2. Thanks a lot. Eventually I've managed to fix my problems But for some reason as the player gets taller, I can't seem to break anything at a height higher than the regular reach radius Is it possible or is there any variable to change the reach radius to be around my hand at a certain player height?
  3. ObfuscationReflectionHelper did the trick! Also I'll take that to my attention! Thanks a lot
  4. Just a small update to my question.. It seems that running the mod as client and not a server from eclipse works fine in singleplayer but when it come to running them mod as a server and then either playing single/multi it doesn't work at all. I've try adding OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) and checking if isRemote, which also didn't help sadly..
  5. Hey everybody, So I'm trying to change player's eye height to a given float value I've been trying to get the private value from Entity class called eyeHeight, but for some reason it won't recognize it @SubscribeEvent public void onTicking(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent e) { if (e.player.world.isRemote) { Class cls = e.player.getClass(); Field field = null; while (cls != null) { try { field = cls.getDeclaredField("field_213326_aJ"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(e.player, 5.0f); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex){ cls = cls.getSuperclass(); Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(new TranslationTextComponent(ex.toString())); } } } } I've noticed trying to get declaredField named "eyeHeight" throws an exception for some reason, while trying to get "field_213326_aJ" seems to crush the client, no error messages given tho What could be the issue? Am I getting something wrong?
  6. If possible could you explain this line? https://github.com/davidmaamoaix/AquaticExploration/blob/d83561ca633053127545d7518bfb50e243e779a1/src/main/java/cn/davidma/aquaticexploration/common/progress/AquaticProgresses.java#L19 How does it get updated? In the readNBT method you're using that declartion but I don't really understand how it get updated
  7. Sorry for being a newbie, really trying hard on this one I'm trying to sync the capabilities, is making a list of all the capabilities a good start? How would I send it as a server to the players? I don't really understand how would I encode/decode something that isn't primitive >.< Could you lead me a bit further? I would really appreciate that
  8. Replying to myself sorry, Fixed that issue But when I try to load other players from a client's pov I can't reach others capabilities because I'm looking for ClientEntityPlayer and I'm getting RemoteClientEntityPlayer when I'm getting the render of another player in RenderPlayerEvent
  9. Thanks for replying! I have been playing a bit with capabilities, and I seem to be understanding a bit, but not quite enough In the giant.setHeight, I'm attempting to update the capability but it doesn't seem to do anything I've also tried to change it outside the dist.client Any idea why it wouldn't update? :c
  10. Hey thank you! I've managed to communicate between the server and client Issue is I don't understand how would I increase the size of the specific player who ate something. increasing everyone's size together is okay somewhat >.<
  11. Okay so basically I've been working on this mod for a while, that changes you, the player's size after an action for example, each time you eat you gain height. Client sided it seems to be working fine, but the moment I add it to the server it won't even run the server. I'm trying to get it to work server-wise, so to my understanding I'll have to work on differently with proxies or idk.. I would really like a bit of help, where do I start lol
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