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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Funny thing is I found those CSV files and I am using them right now! They are working pretty well except they are missing a few functions that I cant seem to find. Other than that I managed to deobfuscate a large portion. Do you have any suggestions for finding these missing mappings?
  2. Hello! I recently lost all the source code to a mod I have been working on and no longer can edit its code. I was lucky and found a version of the mod compiled (in a JAR file) which I then used with luyten to decompile and attempt to use. The problem now is that a lot of the methods are now obfuscated. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to deobfuscate my own code? I know that forge does it when decompiling mc but I want to do it after mc has been decomplied. Is there a task to run for that? Thanks in advance!
  3. I have intercepted the RenderPlayerEvent and also created a second class that overrides Render, I then override renderName(Entity entity, double x, double y, double z) with my own code that adds another label. How can I use this new class and use it on the player instead of the old Render class?
  4. Ok thanks but how can I render something like that. I mean how can I define text above someones head. Any suggestions? Name display code does not seem to help. Thanks for the reply!
  5. Hey guys! I am trying to make a mod that displays some stats on top of someones head. I can't seem to find anything that works online or in vanilla code. Could someone point me in the right direction or help me add this?
  6. Hey guys, I have made two classes I want to use to execute a commands. One of the classes (NickScan) is my command class and the other (NickScanRunnable) is my runnable class. I have a HTTP GET request running in my runnable class which is ran in my command class on 'processCommand()'. In my runnable class I edit a public variable to the String I want and then I use the Thread.join() method to connect to the thread and after retrieve my public variable which I then output. The problem is Thread.join() suspends my UI thread too. I was wondering if there was any other way to do this? I will attach code below. NickScan class: NickScanRunnable class:
  7. Ok sure! Sorry, this is my second post on any forum asking for help so I was not sure if I had to do that. I finished updating it.
  8. Hey guys! I made a custom surface builder but I don't know how to implement it into my custom biome. Could someone help me with putting my SurfaceBuilder to use in my biome. The GitHub page for my mod is https://github.com/Mine215/ProAether/tree/master/ My biome and surfaceBuilder are in world/biome.
  9. Hello guys! I have just started Minecraft modding recently and am trying to make another dimension. I got that to work with a custom biome but I want to make a custom mountain type that is very tall but thin. I decided to try to do this with Surface Builder but I do not now how to use Surface Builders. I tried to use the default mountain class as a test but I don't think it is working. Could you please give me some pointers on how to move forward. Thanks in advance! public class ExtremeWaterfallsSurfaceBuilder extends SurfaceBuilder<SurfaceBuilderConfig> { public ExtremeWaterfallsSurfaceBuilder(Function<Dynamic<?>, ? extends SurfaceBuilderConfig> function) { super(function); } @Override public void buildSurface(Random random, IChunk chunkIn, Biome biomeIn, int x, int z, int startHeight, double noise, BlockState defaultBlock, BlockState defaultFluid, int seaLevel, long seed, SurfaceBuilderConfig config) { Random rd = new Random(); int i = rd.nextInt(3); if (i == 0) { SurfaceBuilder.DEFAULT.buildSurface(random, chunkIn, biomeIn, x, z, startHeight, noise, defaultBlock, defaultFluid, seaLevel, seed, new SurfaceBuilderConfig(Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK.getDefaultState(), Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState(), Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState())); //My attempt at a mountain surface builder SurfaceBuilder.MOUNTAIN.buildSurface(random, chunkIn, biomeIn, x, z, startHeight, noise, defaultBlock, defaultFluid, seaLevel, seed, new SurfaceBuilderConfig(Blocks.GRASS.getDefaultState(), Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState(), Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState())); } else { SurfaceBuilder.DEFAULT.buildSurface(random, chunkIn, biomeIn, x, z, startHeight, noise, defaultBlock, defaultFluid, seaLevel, seed, new SurfaceBuilderConfig( i == 1 ? Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK.getDefaultState() : Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState(), Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState(), Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState())); SurfaceBuilder.MOUNTAIN.buildSurface(random, chunkIn, biomeIn, x, z, startHeight, noise, defaultBlock, defaultFluid, seaLevel, seed, new SurfaceBuilderConfig(Blocks.GRASS.getDefaultState(), Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState(), Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState())); } } }
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