Sorry for the double post, but it worked! It opened like how it was supposed to after double clicking. Will I have to do this for every version of forge I want to install?
Oh you're right, I didn't notice.
I tried the command after switching out the launcher for installer, and this is what I got
edit: just noticed it's the wrong installer version, I'll try again with the right one
I don't think I'm getting it right yet, my apologies. I don't really go near this stuff very often so I'm not sure how it's supposed to look. Either of these help?
I moved the forge installer to users\kevin, and theres ones on the desktop,
The command i was using was 'java -jar forge-1.15.2-31.2.0-installer.jar' But it didn't work even though my file is on the desktop? I tried moving it to a folder on the desktop, and to a folder in my %appdata% > '.minecraft' folder and it had the same outcome. Is the command not typed right?
edit: I tried with 'java^>.minecraft>mods -jar forge-1.15.2-31.2.0-installer.jar' and it said access denied.
Aaah im sorry haha you're being extremely patient with me. My forge installer is just on my desktop if that's what you're meaning
edit: I think I understand you- my bad. I'm not sure where my temp is located
The same thing happened after i added .jar at the end. I'm not sure what the extension is if not .jar? It says in file explorer 'Executable jar file' what would I type for that?
Just tried, it had the same result. After right clicking to 'open with' there were two SE options, one did nothing and one opened a confirmation, then the same error.
Heres the notepad file it created, if its any help.