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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. That was it I believe, so thanks! I have those "keys" in my capability to carry a string, and then when I press my keybind it checks for what the corresponding key string is equal to. Then does that function, if that makes sense. My actual keybinds are made using this below; private static final String CATEGORY = "key.categories." + Main.MODID; public static KeyBinding HAND_INFUSION; public static KeyBinding BODY_INFUSION; public static KeyBinding LEG_INFUSION; public static KeyBinding SHINOBI_STATS; public static KeyBinding KEYBIND1; public static KeyBinding KEYBIND2; public static KeyBinding KEYBIND3; public static KeyBinding KEYBIND4; public static void register() { HAND_INFUSION = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".handinfusion", GLFW_KEY_R, CATEGORY); BODY_INFUSION = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".bodyinfusion", GLFW_KEY_F, CATEGORY); LEG_INFUSION = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".leginfusion", GLFW_KEY_C, CATEGORY); SHINOBI_STATS = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".shinobistats", GLFW_KEY_P, CATEGORY); KEYBIND1 = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".keybind1", GLFW_KEY_1, CATEGORY); KEYBIND2 = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".keybind2", GLFW_KEY_2, CATEGORY); KEYBIND3 = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".keybind3", GLFW_KEY_3, CATEGORY); KEYBIND4 = new KeyBinding("key." + Main.MODID + ".keybind4", GLFW_KEY_4, CATEGORY); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(HAND_INFUSION); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(BODY_INFUSION); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(LEG_INFUSION); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(SHINOBI_STATS); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(KEYBIND1); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(KEYBIND2); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(KEYBIND3); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(KEYBIND4); } } NetworkLoader.INSTANCE.send(PacketDistributor.PLAYER.with(() -> (ServerPlayerEntity) player), new PacketChakraSync(chakra)); That's how I do it, is that not correct? Thanks for your responses though! I really appreciate it!
  2. I am just really having issues with this capability system. To get to the point, my capabilities are resetting after unloading and loading the game. I have included images on prints I have set up, but basically I log in the game (variable at 0, because it reset lol) get 5 "points" (seen in image 2). Then I unload the world and log back in (image 3), and the variables are back to 0. Those are my observations. I have seen other posts on forums although they are outdated. I have looked at some other mods source code, however it is hard to find where they use this. But even when/if I find where they serialize the data I am lost between the complexity of all of the methods. All code obtaining to this problem is in the pastebin exept for when I register it in the Main class using; private void onCommonSetup(FMLCommonSetupEvent e) { CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(IPlayerHandler.class, new PlayerCapability.Storage(), PlayerCapability::new); } I don't know what else you need, but will give/do anything to solve this. If I haven't said before, I am thankful for your time in this troubling time. Thanks https://imgur.com/a/FwjGLyb https://pastebin.com/RXLXdSHd
  3. Cool that seems to have worked! Thanks!?
  4. Hello! I've been making a gui that implements my custom button widgets. My code is here, https://pastebin.com/wBnPA6kM. This pastebin link gives my "main" gui class that implements the widgets. I also included one of my widgets near the bottom, they are all similar and have the same issue. And images of the issue can be found here, https://imgur.com/a/sm7iIh4. As you can see in the images, my button texture actually renders but is fronted by the default minecraft button textures. Anyways, all help is appreciated and I give all of my gratitude. If I need to give anything else, just let me know. I was hesitant to post this out of respect of your time. But, this is a forum for help, right? Thanks again!?? EDIT: Fyi those images were taken in the same game session!
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