I need to draw a mana-bar on the players Hud.
The mana is saved on the player with capabilities.
My current code:
public class GuiManaRenderOverlay extends Gui
private final ResourceLocation MANA_BAR = new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/manabar.png");
private final int TEXT_WIDTH = 20;
private final int TEXT_HEIGHT = 104;
private int positionX = 0;
private int positionY = 0;
public void renderManaOverlay(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Text event)
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
PlayerMana playerMana = mc.player.getCapability(PlayerProperties.PLAYER_MANA, null);
int currentHeight = (int) playerMana.getManaPercentage();
drawTexturedModalRect(positionX, positionY+10, 0, 0, TEXT_WIDTH, TEXT_HEIGHT);
drawTexturedModalRect(positionX, positionY+10+TEXT_HEIGHT-currentHeight-2, TEXT_WIDTH, 2, TEXT_WIDTH, currentHeight);
mc.fontRenderer.drawString("" + (int) playerMana.getMaxMana(), positionX+1, positionY+1, 15658734);
mc.fontRenderer.drawString("" + (int) playerMana.getMana(), positionX+1, positionY+TEXT_HEIGHT + 11, 15658734);
The problem is, that the player I refer to, is not the one that has the actual mana value I use with my other Items.
Is there a way to get the other playerEntity?