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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thanks, managed to get it working as intended.
  2. I have created a new type of tool (a rather standard 3x3 mining tool). In its GetDestroySpeed function, I have made a way to get the tool to scan the entire 3x3 mining area and effectively use the hardness of the hardest block found in order to avoid exploits like using a cobblestone block to easily break obsidian: private PlayerEntity player = null; private World world = null; @Override public ActionResultType onItemUse(ItemUseContext context) { player = context.getPlayer(); world = context.getWorld(); Main.LOGGER.info("Player & World updated!"); return super.onItemUse(context); } @Override public float getDestroySpeed(ItemStack stack, BlockState state) { float ogSpeed = super.getDestroySpeed(stack, state); //Get original speed if(player != null && world != null) { BlockRayTraceResult target = getTargetBlock(player, world); Direction targetFace = target.getFace(); Vec3d targetAxisVector = new Vec3d(Math.abs(targetFace.getXOffset()), Math.abs(targetFace.getYOffset()), Math.abs(targetFace.getZOffset())); BlockPos pos = target.getPos(); BlockPos[] donut = getBlockDonut(pos,targetAxisVector); //Set break speed based on harness of blocks in the 3x3 area being broken float maxHardness = state.getBlockHardness(null, null); for(BlockPos globalCheckPos : donut) { BlockState block = world.getBlockState(globalCheckPos); if(this.canHarvestBlock(block)) { //Check we can harvest the block, since non-harvestable blocks aren't broken by the hammer if(block.getBlockHardness(null, null) > maxHardness) { maxHardness = block.getBlockHardness(null, null); } } } //Multiply by state's hardness to nullify it, divide by maximum hardness found. This prevents exploits such as breaking obsidian quickly by placing dirt near it. float speed = (ogSpeed * state.getBlockHardness(null, null)) / maxHardness; Main.LOGGER.info(speed); return speed; } else { return ogSpeed; } } The solution works if the player right-clicks something before breaking a block. However, the way of acquiring the world and the player is extremely janky, I need a way of getting the player and the world from within the getDestroySpeed function else it's going to be extremely easy to exploit (and will almost definitely be completely broken in multiplayer). So is there a way to do that, or will I need to use a different solution? In case it's needed, here are all the functions that this calls (I'm fairly sure this is all of them): private RayTraceResult getTarget(LivingEntity entity, World world) { //Function to get raytrace of where player is looking, necessary to enable 3x3 mining of hammer double reachDist = entity.getAttribute(PlayerEntity.REACH_DISTANCE).getValue(); //Get player's reach distance Vec3d pos = entity.getEyePosition(0F); Vec3d look = entity.getLook(0F); Vec3d rayTo = pos.add(look.x * reachDist, look.y * reachDist, look.z * reachDist); return world.rayTraceBlocks(new RayTraceContext(pos, rayTo, RayTraceContext.BlockMode.OUTLINE, RayTraceContext.FluidMode.NONE, entity)); } private BlockRayTraceResult getTargetBlock(LivingEntity entity, World world) { return (BlockRayTraceResult) getTarget(entity, world); } private BlockPos[] getBlockDonut(BlockPos pos, Vec3d perpAxis) { Vec3d plane = new Vec3d(1, 1, 1).subtract(perpAxis); BlockPos[] donut = {}; for(int x = (int) -plane.x; x <= (int) plane.x; x++) { for(int y = (int) -plane.y; y <= (int) plane.y; y++) { for(int z = (int) -plane.z; z <= (int) plane.z; z++) { if(!(x==0 && y==0 && z==0)) { //Don't try to break (0,0,0) because it was already broken to trigger onBlockDestroyed BlockPos localBreakPos = new BlockPos(x, y, z); BlockPos globalBreakPos = localBreakPos.add(pos); donut = Arrays.copyOf(donut, donut.length + 1); donut[donut.length-1] = globalBreakPos; } } } } return donut; } private void breakArea(World worldIn, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, Vec3d perpAxis, LivingEntity entityLiving) { BlockPos[] donut = getBlockDonut(pos, perpAxis); //Get donut of extra blocks to break for(BlockPos globalBreakPos : donut) { //Break them BlockState toBreak = worldIn.getBlockState(globalBreakPos); if(this.canHarvestBlock(toBreak)){ worldIn.destroyBlock(globalBreakPos, true); } } } @Override public boolean canHarvestBlock(BlockState blockIn) { if(blockIn.getBlockHardness(null, null) == -1){ return false; } else { return super.canHarvestBlock(blockIn); } }
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