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Everything posted by DaeGrighen

  1. Ok I got it. For future travellers who stumble upon this same problem: you just have to add your block to the soul_fire_base_blocks.json tag. it's THAT simple
  2. I am trying to make a block that when set on fire, it burns blue (like soul sand/soil). is there a way to do that? I tried to use setBlock() however it just extinguishes the fire (I guess it's because it isn't one of the blocks that can normally sustain soul fire). I am on version 1.19 if that helps. Thanks in advance
  3. I am trying to download the jdk, but, instead of getting a zip with all the files, I get a file with .zip.zip at the end, and inside a .exe file. What could be the reason?
  4. https://github.com/daeGrighen/pastebin/blob/master/debug.log ok NOW it should be whole
  5. https://hatebin.com/scqytyobgp ok sorry now it should be whole
  6. here it is https://hatebin.com/grgcqehevm
  7. That...is the problem I made this stairs block and even though it shows up in the game, the in-hand and placed textures are missing, can anyone tell me why? I'll put the link to the json files this is from the items package https://hatebin.com/ugtpqfdwye these are from the blocks package https://hatebin.com/qgvoubpvge https://hatebin.com/gyouojcinm https://hatebin.com/nskfnjcqdd and this is from blockstates https://hatebin.com/nasbjdlpyu
  8. Sorry if I ask, but can you make like a short line of code as an example? I am new to java and things
  9. Yes, sorry I'll specify. I want this enchantment to be applied on boots, and give the player jump boost when said boots are worn
  10. So, I want to make an enchant that makes a player have jump boost. I'm using this code, but the effect applies as soon as a player enters the game. How do I fix this? public class HighStepEnchantment extends Enchantment { public HighStepEnchantment(Rarity rarityIn, EnchantmentType typeIn, EquipmentSlotType[] slots) { super(rarityIn, typeIn, slots); } @Override public int getMaxLevel() { return 1; } @Override public int getMinLevel() { return 1; } @Override protected boolean canApplyTogether(Enchantment ench) { return !ench.equals(Enchantments.FROST_WALKER); } @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MysteriousArtifacts.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE) public static class HighStepEquipped{ @SubscribeEvent public static void action(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) { PlayerEntity playerIn = event.player; playerIn.addPotionEffect(new EffectInstance(Effects.JUMP_BOOST, 20, 2)); } } }
  11. @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MysteriousArtifacts.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE) public static class HighStepEquipped{ @SubscribeEvent public static void action(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) { PlayerEntity playerIn = event.player; playerIn.addPotionEffect(new EffectInstance(Effects.JUMP_BOOST, 20, 2)); } } I am using this code in my enchantment class, but if i join into the game it gives me this effect even when I'm not wearing the boots
  12. So, I want to make an enchantment that gives jump boost when a piece of armor with said enchantment is worn, how so I do this?
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