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Everything posted by Elsopeen

  1. I understand the concern, but that cheater would kinda deserve to be able to change dimension through my custom message... I mean, they would need to know about how the message is built, and when it's normally thrown to understand its mechanisms. Plus, that cheater would only be able to travel from custom dim to custom dim inside my mod as my code only allow travel to my custom dims. Moreover a cheater would rather use some kind of fly rather than teleport to another dimension filled with things that could kill him even faster.
  2. Thanks, I wasn't thinking correctly on how this Packet system worked, it works fine now ! Thanks a lot, sorry for being a bit too stubborn ^^' Best regards, Elsopéen
  3. Hello, thanks for the tip, but unfortunately, I can't make my methods static as they use non static fields (the ints territory and coordinates). And if I make them static, they would be shared by every instance of the message, which is just wrong... This packet/message should be able to be thrown by different instances of my Screen with different parameters. And I don't understand what you mean by checking if the player is cheating... When a player get teleported to one of my custom dimensions, no block can be placed, except with the /setblock command, so no one should be able to teleport around freely (plus a teleportation system between the territories will be implemented later). So again, thanks, but that cannot do the trick... Best regards, Elsopéen
  4. Hello again, So I managed to create the message class and the PacketHandler as shown in the SimpleImpl page of the forge documentation, but I still don't get teleported to the chosen world. The message seems to be sent, as there are no error thrown, but it doesn't seem to be handled. Could someone help me debug this out? The repo is the same, just updated with new classes (PacketHandler in Network.Util and DataTransferInterfaceMessage in the same package). Thanks anyways, Best regards, Elsopéen
  5. Hello, my mod has several dimensions and I'm trying to create a system to teleport a player to those dimensions via a screen. Here's the repo of my mod, the concerned files are DataTransferInterface (block, TE, container and screen). The idea I wanted is when I use the DTI block, the GUI opens and let me select the dimension and the coordinates and then it would send me there. For now, the "send" button is only supposed to send to a particular dimension and coordinates. Unfortunately, I get NPEs about the "getServer" used in the method "changeDimension" in Entity. And if I try to cast the playerEntity I stored (which I think I shouldn't) in the container to a ServerPlayerEntity, it's worse. So I truly hope someone will be able to help me, Thanks anyways, Best regards, Elsopéen
  6. Could you be more precise ? Because Java-wise, it's completely possible to have data storage in any class...
  7. Hello, I'm trying to have a data transfert system between machines (not implemented yet) through cables. I thought of a data structure to store the cable blocks and with it we could get the edges of the cable. The update of the data structure is done with onBlockAdded, which is never fired when I manually place the block. I tried onBlockPlacedBy just before and nothing gets fired either. (I'm coding on IntelliJ and I had a breakpoint in the method to check it) So here's the repo. The concerned file is CableBlock. If you think the system I thought about is not good enough and have a better way, please share, I don't really know how to do such stuff. (I tried looking at examples like EnderIO but didn't quite grasped the concept behind) Anyway, Thanks for everything, Best regards, Elsopéen
  8. Hello, I'd like to have a special armor that allows player to throw a force field when right click but only when they wear the complete armor set. Here's the repo of the project, and here's the crash report. I know that we should use an event based method rather than checking with ticks, but I have no idea what function I should create/call to do that. I don't even understand why this kind of method could provoque such error. So please, I hope you could help me on this one, Thanks anyway, Elsopéen
  9. Hello, I'm trying to get a custom OBJ model for a block to rotate according to the block's orientation (got via DirectionProperty). I tought I could just put the parameters in the blockstate json, but it doesn't work. Here's the repo of the project. The concerned block is called Scanner and is part of a multiblock (the master actually) and its model get switched when the structure is complete. Its corresponding json is scanner_base.json. I hope you'll be able to help me with that, Thanks anyway, Elsopéen
  10. Hello, We have a little multiblock structure that just changes its blocks' models when complete, but when we right click any of the block, it gets its old model back. Here's the github to the project, the concerned files are QuantumSteelBlock.java, HologramProjectorBlock.java, ProjectorFocusblock.java and their blockstates and models and the HologramProjectorTileEntity which checks for the structure and changes the Property values for the blocks. I hope you can help me on that one, Thanks anyway, Elsopéen
  11. Thanks ! Passing the parameters like that works ! And sorry for the bin folder, it might be my partner who is a beginner in coding. I'll add that folder to the .gitignore file
  12. Indeed, I forgot to push, my bad...
  13. Hello, I've been working on an interface that has just been updated to 1.15.2 but when I try to use the ScreenManager to register it, it tells me it can't infer the types of my arguments. I checked them and seem correct. Here's the gist telling the error, and here's the github I'm working on. The classes are stored in the folders "containers", "tileentities", "blocks/machines/flouride", "util" and "screens" I hope you'll be able to find something. Thanks anyway !
  14. Hello again, I'm trying to have my towers partially in the ground, but I don't want to cut the tower in two halves and then make the parts match. So, anyway, here's my repo. I've looked up some other structure mods, but I don't find anything relevant for now. I hope you'll be able to help me ! Thanks anyway !
  15. It seemed to come from a ResourceLocation("emtpy") that I changed to match my Tower.nbt That was it... I'll edit the topic to make it solved.
  16. So, I tried a bit to understand, and it seems it doesn't come from my biomes as they are in fact registered, but it comes from JigsawManager.REGISTRIES that holds a registry name "minecraft:empty". My TowerPiece get registered correctly and added to the registries, but as Jigsaw prefers random, it appears that the "minecraft:empty" get chosen instead of my tower. Is there a way to check where that "minecraft:empty" comes from, how to remove it or how to bypass the random property of Jigsaw ?
  17. Hello, I have an issue registering my biomes since I added the structure generation (how are those linked, I don't know as they don't share anything in common), and therefore when trying to join a dimension that requires theses biomes, the game crashes as the structure generation can't get proper bounds. Here's the gist, and here's my repo. I inspired myself from Valhelsia Structure mod to add my tower structure to my custom dims. But as I haven't changed anything about the biome registering, I don't get why they're not registered anymore. I hope you'll be able to help me again for this project. Thanks anyway !
  18. Indeed, thanks, I'm gonna change this topic as solved.
  19. Hello, I've just created some dimensions, but when I try to enter them thanks to the "forge setdimension" command, the game crashes with an Unexpected Error (nullPointerException from FogRenderer). Here's the gist of the error, and here's the repo. I followed the code found on this github (the owner does some tuto on YT, you guys seem to hate that for some reason...). The tutorial's correct, and the code doesn't seem wrong. Unfortunately, I crashed when entering my dim... I hope you'll be able to help me ^^ Best regards!
  20. Hello again, so I managed to get my structure registered, but now I want to test it, so I used Ugdhar structure test git, and I added my tower structure to the biomes. But none are generated, and the locate command doesn't have it registered. Here's my repo, the structure adding takes place in the main class, in the "setup" method. Thanks for your help, Best regards, Elsopéen Edit : I looked up Valhelsia structure mod and it works
  21. Hello, I'm trying to add a structure to my mod, following this example, but the Registry.register function gives me an error. I know it's not the same forge version, but I kinda hoped it would still work. I get 2 errors : first "String is not a functional interface" when I try to pass my Piece just like in the example, second I get "init\ModBusEvents.java:21: error: 'void' type not allowed here args.getRegistry().register(new Tower(NoFeatureConfig::deserialize) void type not authorized here" Here's my repo, the important files are in the structures and init packages. I hope you'll be able to help me, thanks anyway, Best regards, Elsopéen Nevermind, I failed to correctly match what's in the example...
  22. Indeed, I forgot that step, thanks a lot ! But as we say, one less little bug, a thousand big ones appear... My interface crashed, so I'll have to look it up Thanks anyway !
  23. Hello, I'm trying to get a custom Screen with a ContainerScreen, I got a bit of code from Cadiboo's Example Mod (which I understood thanks to the comments). But I get this Registry Object not present during the FMLClientSetupEvent and I can't really understand why. So here's the github : https://github.com/Elsopeen/LyokoMod-1.15. And I attached the Minecraft launch log. I'm still new to everything, so I don't get some errors, and I definitely don't get that one. I hope you'll be able to find something, Thanks in advance ! stacktrace.log
  24. Thanks, I already done that (got the solution from another problem I looked up before). I'll mark this one as solved, thanks again !
  25. Thanks ! The problem is fixed ! But now the block doesn't seem to be able to rotate (or be placed in another direction...) Edit: the setblock command can rotate it !
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