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  1. oh sorry didnt see that. Thanks for the advice
  2. So I've followed what some people have done to make a gui and it's not looking right. Heres what I got so far, now tell me how to finish it!?
  3. hey slastic, so where would you actually make it open the gui, like where do you actually input your gui into that code?
  4. I am wondering how to position my items in a way so that it looks like i am holding them like a real person would. I've seen a couple forums that seem to have helped people but they don't make sense to me. If anyone has any advice that would be very helpful.
  5. thank you these seem to be very helpful, I'm kind of new to modding so I needed someone to spell it out for me? Thanks a bunch
  6. So first of all I use IntelliJ for my minecraft modding. So basically I've created models and they load in the game just fine. But you can see through the world. I know that there is a way to fix this but I haven't found how to fix it in IntelliJ. The black outline also doesn't surround just the model it acts like it's a full cube.
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