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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thanks DaemonUmbra, While not the response I was hoping for, I appreciate you answering. If you help me understand your response, the mods are for a previous version of MineCraft or Forge? Will a 1.12.2 mod not work with MineCraft 1.14.4? My bottom line is that my kid has autism and wants to destroy his builds with tornadoes. He has been playing Pocket MineCraft for years and wants to move to PC Java. I’ve spent about 10 Hours over 3 weeks trying to figure it out and always end up with the same result. Obviously from lack of knowledge. Can you point me to a forum, discord, link or page that I can use to get the correct configuration of software? thanks for any advice Conzillaman
  2. Hello all, I am trying to load the weather mod that allows tornadoes to form on MineCraft 1.14.4 for my kid. I have downloaded Version of CoroUtil 1.0.jar and Weather 2.3.4 .jar. When the Launcher goes through and loads everything to start the session I receive these errors: Version of CoroUtil 1.0.jar is for older version of Forge and cannot be loaded. Version of Weather 2.3.4 .jar are for older version of Forge and cannot be loaded. Log info https://pastebin.com/VBaHSyY2 I would appreciate if someone can help me get this straight the necessary versions correct so I can load the Weather mod for him. thanks conzillaman
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