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Posts posted by red_

  1. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_Minecraft_Forge_server

    If you're installing Forge on a headless server with no graphical interface, run the following command in the directory where you downloaded the jar installer (replace "x.xx.x" with the correct version number for the installer you downloaded):

    java -jar forge-x.xx.x-installer.jar --installServer

    Also, it looks like you've already got a vanilla server set up. You don't install Forge "on" a vanilla server, Forge provides the server.

  2. 5 minutes ago, ImpoliteSand868 said:

    now that I got it downloaded, how would I load it to eclipse? it is an intelliJ file(.iml)

    I don't have intelliJ on my computer cause it takes up a lot of space, and so does eclipse.

    but I've got eclipse right now.

    If you can't figure out how to import an IntelliJ project into Eclipse on your own, I would hazard a guess that you have little business trying to 'update' a mod.
    This is especially true if you are trying to port it from 1.10 to any modern version of Minecraft (1.13+) given the sheer amount of changes Forge and Minecraft have undergone during that time.

  3. Howdy folks.
    I'm trying to change the size of a custom entity's hitbox based on variables that can fluctuate throughout gameplay and may be different for each instance of the entity. This entity uses WolfModel and is scaled up to be larger or smaller using MatrixStack#scale().
    Confusingly, MatrixStack#scale() seems to visually change the how large the box is (when viewing with F3+B) but not when interacting with it. (Punching, colliding, et cetera)
    What is the best way to accomplish this?

  4. Hey folks,

    I'm trying to implement a special type of wolf (a direwolf, from the ASOIAF universe) with four different growth stages. First and foremost, these stages change the rendered size of the wolf. I've got this part working already with:

    protected void preRenderCallback(EntityDirewolf entityDirewolf, float b) {
        // the size of a direwolf is influenced by its stage of growth
        // at stage one, a direwolf is the same size as a normal wolf
        // at stage four, a direwolf is twice as large in every dimension
        float modifier = (entityDirewolf.getGrowthStage() / 3f) + (2f / 3f);
        GL11.glScalef(modifier, modifier, modifier);

    The issue I'm struggling with is scaling the hitbox itself in line with the larger model.

    Before I implemented variable stages of growth, I scaled the hitbox in the direwolf's constructor, like so:

    public EntityDirewolf(World worldIn) {
        setSize(1.45f, 2.0f);

    This worked fine. However, I would like to manipulate after the direwolf object has already been instantiated.

    From my testing, simply using...


    ...after the direwolf had been spawned with...

    // make a fun cuddly direwolf
    EntityDirewolf direwolf = new EntityDirewolf(player.getEntityWorld());
    direwolf.setPosition(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ);

    ...did not do anything.

    From my searching on the forums, it seems like newer versions of Forge have a 'recalculateSize()' method that might solve this problem. Unfortunately, I don't think it exists in the older version of Forge I am using, and upgrading isn't possible at this time.

    Is there a way to rescale an entity's hitbox on the fly, after said entity has been spawned?

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