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Everything posted by Bullet_Paincakes

  1. Okay so I had an idea pop in my head and it worked As seems to always be the case, it was my antivirus blocking stuff in a weird manner. Even though for some odd reason disabling it entirely didn't work, my work around I've used in the past seems to have done it and the connections went through. Thanks for all the help though, and sorry for putting you guys through this headache. And for the future, make sure to have anybody using Kaspersky Antivirus to go through the Firewall application settings, find both Java/OpenJDK and the .jar file in question, and turn on the "Do not scan all traffic" setting in the exclusions tab.
  2. The only things I can find are the left over folders here and there, and the .msi file for 8u251 64-bit. However nothing shows up after uninstalling everything in the apps list. The only thing I can think of would be the fact that I had to run the microsoft troubleshooter to get 8u111 uninstalled fully while I was trying to fix it before opening this thread. The only place it shows up anymore is on my anti-virus program's update list, which it can't update since it shouldn't exist on my system.
  3. Ah, thank you. Here's the log file now for it using 8u252. forge_installer.log
  4. How and where exactly? I've only been running the installer with OpenJDK.
  5. I know that it has that name, the problem is that the JDK that Lex linked me to does not write to that file properly. It only writes when using Oracle's distribution.
  6. So prior to a computer restart, the JDK ended up with roughly the same result, but with every section that lists as '... xx more' having the number ticked up by two. After a restart, it was ticked down by one compared to the Oracle installation attempts. I cannot give the log file though due to the JDK not writing to it, unless there is a file path I can be given to look for it at. Here are screenshots instead of what it looks like.
  7. Seems like it, gives me each .jar file for the urls individually.
  8. Every version and one at a time. Neither worked.
  9. For some reason, the forge installer can't find or create the libraries it needs to start the installation. Hoping to get suggestions on how to fix it from here. I've already tried deleting progressively the mods folder, libraries folder, and .minecraft entirely with a redownload of 1.15.2 for each. I've also tried uninstalling and redownloading Java multiple times with computer restarts. Log file has the exact same results regardless. forge-1.15.2-31.2.20-installer.jar.log
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