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  1. Do you know what this event is called in fabric? Or there is no such incident?
  2. Why is there no FMLServerStartingEvent event in Fabric, and what should I do? help me!
  3. @SubscribeEvent public void onjon(PlayerLoggedInEvent e) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance(); mc.getIntegratedServer().shareToLAN(GameType.SURVIVAL, true, 25565); ITextComponent itextcomponent = new TranslationTextComponent("本地游戏已在端口"+Minecraft.getInstance().getIntegratedServer().getServerPort()+"上开启 "); mc.ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(itextcomponent); } Enter the map : The game crashes : AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed This event doesn't work. Same as FMLServerStartingEvent! !
  4. private long i; @SubscribeEvent public void onstop(FMLServerStoppedEvent e) { i=0; } @SubscribeEvent public void onDeath(RenderWorldLastEvent e) { i++; if(i==1) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance(); mc.getIntegratedServer().shareToLAN(GameType.ADVENTURE, false, 25565); ITextComponent itextcomponent = new TranslationTextComponent("本地游戏已在端口"+Minecraft.getInstance().getIntegratedServer().getServerPort()+"上开启 "); mc.ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(itextcomponent); } } This is the way I currently think of , Since RenderWorldLastEvent is rendering the world all the time, I can only do this. Can you provide other events that are executed only once after entering the map?
  5. Okay, I have repaired the picture. See if you can see it
  6. 我想实现像LanServerProperties-1.0.jar这样的自定义端口吗?但是我做不到!帮我! 输出结果: .....:从62928开始服务 没变,,
  7. I want to implement this function in forge
  8. EntityPlayerMP p = (EntityPlayerMP)s; NBTTagCompound PlayerPersisted = getPlayerNBTTagCompound.getPlayerNBTTagCompoundA(p); if(!PlayerPersisted.hasKey("home")) {PlayerPersisted.setTag("home", new NBTTagCompound());} NBTTagCompound home = PlayerPersisted.getCompoundTag("home"); ........ System.out.println(stringname); //Console output: //123 //123_1 //...... as the picture shows Get the name of the tag
  9. Can you tell me the event triggered by this death? @SubscribeEvent public void deathe(DeatheEvent event){ ........ }
  10. How to make a mod for integrated server
  11. I have read it, but it doesn’t have what I want (notes other than basic notes)
  12. What I want to make is an integrated server mod. If this comment is added, the player can enter the server, otherwise it will prompt that the mod is not installed. . But 1.14.4 does not have this comment at all. What should I do?
  13. Why is this, without these comments, what can I do to help me!
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