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Everything posted by yazigegeda

  1. Do you know what this event is called in fabric? Or there is no such incident?
  2. Why is there no FMLServerStartingEvent event in Fabric, and what should I do? help me!
  3. @SubscribeEvent public void onjon(PlayerLoggedInEvent e) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance(); mc.getIntegratedServer().shareToLAN(GameType.SURVIVAL, true, 25565); ITextComponent itextcomponent = new TranslationTextComponent("本地游戏已在端口"+Minecraft.getInstance().getIntegratedServer().getServerPort()+"上开启 "); mc.ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(itextcomponent); } Enter the map : The game crashes : AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed This event doesn't work. Same as FMLServerStartingEvent! !
  4. private long i; @SubscribeEvent public void onstop(FMLServerStoppedEvent e) { i=0; } @SubscribeEvent public void onDeath(RenderWorldLastEvent e) { i++; if(i==1) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance(); mc.getIntegratedServer().shareToLAN(GameType.ADVENTURE, false, 25565); ITextComponent itextcomponent = new TranslationTextComponent("本地游戏已在端口"+Minecraft.getInstance().getIntegratedServer().getServerPort()+"上开启 "); mc.ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(itextcomponent); } } This is the way I currently think of , Since RenderWorldLastEvent is rendering the world all the time, I can only do this. Can you provide other events that are executed only once after entering the map?
  5. Okay, I have repaired the picture. See if you can see it
  6. 我想实现像LanServerProperties-1.0.jar这样的自定义端口吗?但是我做不到!帮我! 输出结果: .....:从62928开始服务 没变,,
  7. I want to implement this function in forge
  8. EntityPlayerMP p = (EntityPlayerMP)s; NBTTagCompound PlayerPersisted = getPlayerNBTTagCompound.getPlayerNBTTagCompoundA(p); if(!PlayerPersisted.hasKey("home")) {PlayerPersisted.setTag("home", new NBTTagCompound());} NBTTagCompound home = PlayerPersisted.getCompoundTag("home"); ........ System.out.println(stringname); //Console output: //123 //123_1 //...... as the picture shows Get the name of the tag
  9. Can you tell me the event triggered by this death? @SubscribeEvent public void deathe(DeatheEvent event){ ........ }
  10. How to make a mod for integrated server
  11. I have read it, but it doesn’t have what I want (notes other than basic notes)
  12. What I want to make is an integrated server mod. If this comment is added, the player can enter the server, otherwise it will prompt that the mod is not installed. . But 1.14.4 does not have this comment at all. What should I do?
  13. Why is this, without these comments, what can I do to help me!
  14. Can you tell me how to do it? Is there any sample code?
  15. Using bukkit or other servers that can load plug-ins can easily determine whether there is a choice of "Yes" or "No": if( event.getStatus() != ....SUCCESSFULLY_LOADED ){ //The player failed to load the texture pack correctly } But now it’s Forge mod! What should i do? please help me!
  16. public class GuiOpenEvent_ { @SubscribeEvent public void GuiOpenEvent(GuiOpenEvent e){ if(e.getGui() instanceof GuiGameOver){ MinecraftServer server =; //System.out.println(server.getServer().getMaxPlayers()); //System.out.println("aaaaa"); } } } Can you tell me which is the death? What I wrote above can only be used by yourself, others cannot use it
  17. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skinsrestorer.2124/ The above URL is the server plugin's display skin? How did he achieve it? This is not a Mod, it is a plug-in. Players can change the player's skin on the server at any time without installing it. How? I think Forge Mod can also be achieved?
  18. Are there any Mods that support the installation of the Bukkit plugin? Or other methods? help me!
  19. Thank you for the reply! I think I know
  20. 不要让端口是随机的,自己定制它... The other is how do I write "FMLServerStartingEvent" when I press this button
  21. Implementation and server-side custom port "server.properties" Can it be done? I want to make the client the same server.properties function as the server
  22. I want him to always guarantee a value (25565), will not let him change! Can it be done?
  23. Block the original port and modify the custom port
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