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  1. I've recently answered to a similar thread describing this problem in 1.15.2 (showed below), but since it affects also the latest forge version I think it deserves his own post (sorry if I shouldn't have, I'm new to the forum). Replicated in forge-1.16.1-32.0.24 (latest) with no mods installed in a new 1.16.1 minecraft world. This bug does not occour in vanilla 1.16.1 Bug description: (I'll just quote what RescueGum wrote in the 1.15.2 post, since the bug works in the exact same way) I add that the comparators affected by this problem update also if you right click on them, similar to how they behave when you open the doublchest as described in the quote. Thanks for your attention, hoping this bug to be addressed soon (I've noticed it's pretty old). Have a nice day.
  2. Is there any chance this bug will be addressed and corrected in the next stable 1.16 forge version? I've just finished a huge silos system in a server with my buddies and it ain't work... because of this bug, it's so frustrating. It would also break other automated systems I'd like to build and the workarounds are sometimes doable but really annoying to perform, forcing me to reproject often the whole thing. We play with almost no mods so if this problem won't be fixed I'd rather play pure vanilla, but it would be quite sad because of a couple of mods we love playing with (Better Crafting Table is my favourite). I've tried the latest version with no mods in a new 1.16 world (forge-1.16.1-32.0.24) and the bug is still there. Edit: I created a new thread, since this bug affects the latest forge version:
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