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Tree Puncher

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  1. Thanks, now it's working :3
  2. @diesieben07 Ohh... Sorry 😅 I share it here Amorentium.java crash log.txt mods.toml
  3. Hi! Today I started learning coding in Intellij and on the newer version. My client crashes with fashion info. Pls help me :c (Sorry for my English but I write this with google xd) Crash log - https://pastebin.pl/view/0036e179 mods.toml - https://pastebin.pl/view/94ddb0f2 Main(class) - https://pastebin.pl/view/5b189a3e
  4. (Sorry for my English) I'm having trouble loading the item's texture. I'm just starting out so I don't know how to fix it I have already spent about an hour, changing textures, item names etc. and nothing. The same does not load anything with "mcmod.info" I used this tutorials: Please help :( Linkto all files from my mod:
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