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  1. guess my computer is just too broken. Do you know any way i could manually install it?
  2. the installer for forge lets you change where it intalls what it iinstalls to. I use that and look around
  3. this is the best i can do to prove it to you. I can guarente that if i click on either of those version folders I will end up in the screen shot above
  4. the regular minecraft launcher
  5. I am trying to install the latest forge 1.15.2 version. I download the installer and when I open it, it brings me to the normal install window. I click install client and when it finishes i open up the launcher. However it doesn't appear, i go into installations and check for it there. Nope not there either. I then go looking for the file, don't find it in the versions folder of .minecraft so i think it hasn't installed correctly or maybe i needed to change the path the installer took. I look in the versions folder through the path picker of the forge installer and what do I see. THE FORGE 1.15.2 FILE! It did install I just can't see it in the launcher or through windows file explorer. I then look in the file(through the installer path picker) and the almost non existent file is empty. I am on windows 7 and have scowered the internet looking for anything similar to this and have come up short. (I even tried to reveal hidden files and it was still missing)
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