that code you posted makes me think you didn't take a look at the torch code.. anyway, here's an example. just two random faces. hopefully, you'll be able to figure out how to use icons from that as well
public boolean renderWorldBlock(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int rId, RenderBlocks rb)
Tessellator t = Tessellator.instance;
Icon icon = Block.pumpkin.getIcon(3, 0);
double minU = icon.getMinU();
double maxU = icon.getMaxU();
double minV = icon.getMinV();
double maxV = icon.getMaxV();
double p = 0.0625D;
//first side
t.setColorOpaque_F(1F, 1F, 1F);
t.addVertexWithUV(x + (p * 14D), y + 1D, z + 1D, minU, minV);
t.addVertexWithUV(x + (p * 14D), y + 0D, z + 1D, minU, maxV);
t.addVertexWithUV(x + (p * 14D), y + 0D, z + 0D, maxU, maxV);
t.addVertexWithUV(x + (p * 14D), y + 1D, z + 0D, maxU, minV);
//second side. just messing around a bit here
double u8 = icon.getInterpolatedU(8D);
t.setBrightness(block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x - 1, y, z));
t.addVertexWithUV(x - (p * 0D), y + 2D, z + 0D, minU, minV);
t.addVertexWithUV(x - (p * 0D), y + 0D, z + 0D, minU, maxV);
t.addVertexWithUV(x - (p * 8D), y + 0D, z + 1D, u8, maxV);
t.addVertexWithUV(x - (p * 8D), y + 2D, z + 1D, u8, minV);
return true;