I have created a custom entity that extends "TamableAnimal", but I am wanting to have it spawn in the ocean. I have it spawning right now, but it spawns way too frequently even with weight set to 1. I am guessing it is because it is rolling in the spawn pool of land animals since TameableAnimal extends Animal and is different than WaterAnimal, and since no land animals spawn in the ocean it just fills every inch up with my custom entity. I have followed basic tutorials for spawning entities with Forge, but I feel like I am missing something about how to change what spawn pool this custom entity ends up in. Is it possible to change that or do I need to refactor it to be based off of WaterAnimal to get those spawn?
My biome modifier JSON file:
"type": "forge:add_spawns",
"biomes": "#minecraft:is_ocean",
"spawners": {
"type": "darwinsmysticalmounts:water_animal",
"weight": 20,
"minCount": 1,
"maxCount": 1
My client event:
event.register(ModEntityTypes.WATER_ANIMAL.get(), SpawnPlacements.Type.NO_RESTRICTIONS, Heightmap.Types.MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES, WaterWyvernEntity::checkCustomWaterAnimalSpawnRules, SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent.Operation.REPLACE);
And the actual custom spawn rule that makes it spawn in the water:
public static boolean checkCustomWaterAnimalSpawnRules(EntityType<WaterAnimalEntity> pAnimal, LevelAccessor pLevel, MobSpawnType pSpawnType, BlockPos pPos, RandomSource pRandom) {
return pPos.getY() > pLevel.getSeaLevel() - 16 && pLevel.getFluidState(pPos.below()).is(FluidTags.WATER);