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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I have created a custom entity that extends "TamableAnimal", but I am wanting to have it spawn in the ocean. I have it spawning right now, but it spawns way too frequently even with weight set to 1. I am guessing it is because it is rolling in the spawn pool of land animals since TameableAnimal extends Animal and is different than WaterAnimal, and since no land animals spawn in the ocean it just fills every inch up with my custom entity. I have followed basic tutorials for spawning entities with Forge, but I feel like I am missing something about how to change what spawn pool this custom entity ends up in. Is it possible to change that or do I need to refactor it to be based off of WaterAnimal to get those spawn? My biome modifier JSON file: { "type": "forge:add_spawns", "biomes": "#minecraft:is_ocean", "spawners": { "type": "darwinsmysticalmounts:water_animal", "weight": 20, "minCount": 1, "maxCount": 1 } } My client event: event.register(ModEntityTypes.WATER_ANIMAL.get(), SpawnPlacements.Type.NO_RESTRICTIONS, Heightmap.Types.MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES, WaterWyvernEntity::checkCustomWaterAnimalSpawnRules, SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent.Operation.REPLACE); And the actual custom spawn rule that makes it spawn in the water: public static boolean checkCustomWaterAnimalSpawnRules(EntityType<WaterAnimalEntity> pAnimal, LevelAccessor pLevel, MobSpawnType pSpawnType, BlockPos pPos, RandomSource pRandom) { return pPos.getY() > pLevel.getSeaLevel() - 16 && pLevel.getFluidState(pPos.below()).is(FluidTags.WATER); }
  2. Hi all, I am trying to have one of my custom mobs spawn in the nether using a biome modifier JSON file. I have successfully done this for mobs in the overworld for specific biomes, but this doesn't seem to be working in the nether. Is there something additional that needs to be done for spawns to work correctly in the nether? When I use the tag for `#minecraft:is_nether`, I do see some spawns, but they all appear to be basically in the lava. I would like them to spawn on the land in nether wastes just like the vanilla mobs do. Example: { "type": "forge:add_spawns", // Required "biomes":[ "minecraft:nether_wastes" ], // Accepts a biome id, , or #namespace:biome_tag "spawners": { "type": "my_mod:custom_entity", // Type of mob to spawn "weight": 100, // int, spawn weighting "minCount": 1, // int, minimum pack size "maxCount": 4 // int, maximum pack size } }
  3. I am using Geckolib to create custom entities, but I want to be able to enable/disable certain parts based on criteria. For example, a saddle layer would only show if the entity `isSaddled()`. I'm just not sure how to access individual model parts using the geo.json files. For now, I have created two separate models and I swap them based on the `object.isSaddled() method`: @Override public ResourceLocation getModelResource(MyModdedEntity object) { return MODELS[object.isSaddled() ? 1 : 0]; }
  4. Hi, I am trying to find some documentation to add a new fish to the existing fishing loot table but haven't been able to find anything. I have successfully used Dynamic Loot Modification to alter a block's loot drops, but I thought it would be easier/different for an existing loot table like fishing? I poked around the the Aquaculture repo and only saw a basic fish.json loot file that looks very similar to the base minecraft one. What am I missing here? Or do I need to use Dynamic Loot Modification to accomplish this too? Thanks!
  5. Hi, I am trying to start my modding journey and just created a quick test mod that literally does nothing, but when I launch the modinfo file doesn't show up and it says it is missing. I am using the 1.12.2 forge mdk and just changing the naming info to be a tad different. Even when I try just running the base mdk with no changes made it doesn't show up. I really don't understand how the base download doesn't work... I am using IntelliJ if that matters. On top of that, when I run my mod I always get 1 error with not helpful info just saying "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", anyone know what that is about? I appreciate any help!
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