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  1. I feel so dumb now. I could've sworn I was working with the installer, but I guess that was the one thing I didn't double check. Thank you.
  2. I would but the command prompt seems to "reject" any command starting with java. Below is the prompt I used, but nothing happens (no error, no black box). I have the latest update for java, which is strange. java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar forge-1.16.1-32.0.70-launcher
  3. The installer for forge will not open for me (any attempt has resulted in nothing happening). Here's what I've tried. double clicking on jar file (no black box) making sure forge version matches Minecraft version (forge-1.16.1-32.0.70-launcher with MC ver. 1.16.1) using jarfix downloading proper version of some JRE for Java SE (I watched a few different videos and scoured some old threads, not a techie so here's what I downloaded and executed: jre-8u261-windows-x64) opening the installer file with command prompt emptying my mods folder restarting my computer I do apologize if I'm missing something. I'm not great with computers.
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