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  1. bedwars is 1.8 but i mainly care about getting the keybinds on 1.15
  2. I play Minecraft bed wars ALOT. I am decent, but I am frustrated because I have a gaming mouse with extra buttons. In MC, setting the buttons as a hotkey just sets them as "button 3". However, I see people with button 4 and 5. How do I add these buttons? Is it possible? (BTW I play on a mac)
  3. yoiinked


    I play minecraft bedwars on 1.8.9 ALOT. I am decent, but I am frustrated because I have a gaming mouse with extra buttons. In MC, setting the buttons as a hotkey just sets them as "button 3". However, I see people with button 4 and 5. How do I add these buttons? Is it possible? (FYI, I'm talking about the buttons on my mouse in controls not the literal minecraft button lol)
  4. Oh, I didn't realize he needed help with putting the enchantments, not how to set up the crafting recipe. My bad
  5. To actually shape the recipe, you need to set items to x and y. Then, you can do something like this: xxx y y
  6. I already know how to code on minecraft and all, but I don't know where to start. What I mean is, I don't know what software to use, and how to upload the mod. (I use a Mac)
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