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Everything posted by allwrighty1

  1. How much must I learn, and how do I test myself to know I have a good enough level. Where can I learn the format of mods so when I do have sufficient experience, I can mod.
  2. Almost seems like your a bot, writing the same thing over and over for everyone. But, I have just started learning Java, I'm planning on using modding to help me learn along with https://www.learnjavaonline.org/.
  3. I am trying to learn how to mod, and am wondering how. I am unsure of whether to use Intellij or Eclipse. Also, how similar is 1.12.2 to 1.16 coding? Basically, I wanna know if I can reuse certain code.
  4. I am using 1.12.2 minecraft
  5. I just tried it with eclipse, and it's having the same issue of making folders instead of a package.
  6. I believe the version is 2020.1.3. In Intellij there are folders named "packages", but in the file type im trying to make a package, I can't make a package folder. Which brings me to ask, should I use eclipse instead? and if so, which version.
  7. I used to have this problem. It was due to a shader pack that combined with forge, was too much for the game to handle, so it would crash. Maybe you have a mod, or mods that combined are too much for the game.
  8. So in Intellij, I can't make a package file in the resource file? I am currently watching a tutorial to see how it is done, so I can change and implement what I want after I learn how, but I can't make a package file like they showed. Is this due to the file type, or am I blind.
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