Hello, I'm having some trouble getting my obj model into minecraft.
I've got the OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain(), and a json file that points to my obj file in the Item folder. The log shows no error occurred, however when I'm in the game the item model and texture is not showing up.
How do I successfully load an obj file?
For reference, here's my item .json file and some images
"forge_marker": 1,
"defaults": {
"model": "mcaerial:plane_spawn_egg.obj"
"variants": {
"inventory": [
"transform": {
"thirdperson_lefthand": {
"rotation": [ { "x": 0 }, { "y": 0 }, { "z": 0 } ],
"translation": [ 0, -0.1, 0.1 ],
"scale": 1
"thirdperson_righthand": {
"rotation": [ { "x": 0 }, { "y": 0 }, { "z": 0 } ],
"translation": [ 0, -0.1, 0.1 ],
"scale": 1
"gui": {
"rotation": [ { "x": 45 }, { "y": 10 }, { "z": -45 } ],
"translation": [ -0.2, -0.2, 0 ],
"scale": 1
"firstperson_righthand": {
"rotation": [ { "x": 180 }, { "y": 180 }, { "z": 170 } ],
"translation": [ 0, -0.1, 0 ],
"scale": 1
"firstperson_lefthand": {
"rotation": [ { "x": 180 }, { "y": 180 }, { "z": 170 } ],
"translation": [ 0, -0.1, 0 ],
"scale": 1
"ground": {
"rotation": [ { "x": 45 }, { "y": 0 }, { "z": 0 } ],
"scale": 1
Any help is appreciated!