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  1. Like from line 92 onward https://github.com/jackokring/ExactFeather396/blob/main/src/main/java/uk/co/kring/ef396/DataGen.java
  2. D-cache/I-cache balance ~?
  3. An excellent class I haven't managed to use yet as it all seems to be about surrounding method calls with some parameter ServerLevel/ClientLevel overloading and not so much in mod code. A free class implies boolean?
  4. An in a real sense @jackokring/ExactFeather396 has few logs and the TensorFlow java/keras looks like an interesting Goal() in the scheme of Java building.
  5. I could do it but then class per mod overheadz might exceed central class speed and size optimization goals. Is there a Forge subpackage name yet?
  6. Any chances of a "item.$x.$y_ore": "$x's $y Ore", "$x.minecraft": "Minecraft", "$y.ruby": "Ruby" Kind of thing in some DataProvider?
  7. The code doesn't even compile under 1.18.2 as "Holder" introduced so warning for later.
  8. I will do. I think it might be a static field CreativeTab in the main mod by static initializer where register is indirect through the instance of the mod. That is to say the ClassLoader thread is not the mod thread. Github @jackokring/ExactFeather396
  9. Seems I can't have a creative tab as it baulks and then complains about things not being defined to load in the Tags. I think the RegistryObject<Item> hasn't been used as it's the first item. The bootstrap process is involved. Is it a new feature?
  10. It seemed to work when I needed an Item as a temptation for a Mob `Animal`. cast `(ItemLike)` ... Ooops seems I forgot to past the actual.
  11. It seemed to work when I needed an Item as a temptation for a Mob `Animal`.
  12. /** * Gets the generation of the book (how many times it has been cloned) */ public static int getGeneration(ItemStack book) { return book.getTag().getInt("generation"); }
  13. itemP = new WrittenBookItem.Properties().group(customItemGroup); //.maxStackSize(BOOK_STACK_SIZE); WrittenBookItem bookItem = new WrittenBookItem(itemP); //the following 2 look like a read and write function pair //bookItem.readShareTag(); //bookItem.getShareTag(); //perhaps it's bool false and a place where tags are for following 2 methods ... //bookItem.shouldSyncTag(); //bookItem.getTags(); bookItem.setRegistryName(Jacko.MOD_ID, "book"); event.getRegistry().register(bookItem); That's it for today as the "source" I've found is of the P_124141413413_?? variety.
  14. data/jacko/tags/items/book.json might be a suitable location for book text? I assume one of those functions loads an NBT and checks for pages ... and https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Data_Pack seems to have some info but I last coded mods about minecraft 1.7.
  15. Custom tab itemGroup, so all mod items appear, but all potions I just added a PotionItem() with the model having a CustomPotionEffects in the json. The four redstone blocks appear with no functionality yet (will do this later). I'm not sure where to set it's text, it's in the item model at the moment (an assumption). Do I have to sub class WrittenBookItem? Is it possible to make it readable by using a json file or does it need code to load the book content? I managed to fix 1 more error on in achievement recipes as i had a bad item name or 2.
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