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Everything posted by Snad

  1. i know, but where would it put the tag? The enum? the registry? an entirely new class?
  2. i was using it as an example of the method i had used to get it beforehand. public static final RegistryObject ENCHANTED_PORK = ITEMS.register("enchanted_pork", ItemFoods::new); here it is nonetheless
  3. its for the base items. The items that are used to craft the sword use it.
  4. somewhat self-explanatory. I am making a mod where the item tier is made of items that bear a useless enchant glint, and would like for it to carry over. For the base items i am using import net.minecraft.item.*; public class ItemFoods extends Item { public ItemFoods(){super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS).food(new Food.Builder().hunger(20).saturation(15.0F).build()));} @Override public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack) { return true; } } and my enum file for the tool set is: import net.minecraft.item.IItemTier; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.Ingredient; import net.minecraft.util.IItemProvider; import java.util.function.Supplier; import net.minecraft.item.Items; public enum ModItemTierPork implements IItemTier { PORK(3, 50, 5.0F, 3.0F, 12, () -> {return Ingredient.fromItems((IItemProvider) Items.COOKED_PORKCHOP); }); private final int harvestLevel; private final int maxUses; private final float efficiency; private final float attackDamage; private final int enchantablility; private final Supplier<Ingredient> repairMaterial; ModItemTierPork(int harvestLevel, int maxUses, float efficiency, float attackDamage, int enchantablility, Supplier<Ingredient> repairMaterial) { this.harvestLevel = harvestLevel; this.maxUses = maxUses; this.efficiency = efficiency; this.attackDamage = attackDamage; this.enchantablility = enchantablility; this.repairMaterial = repairMaterial; } @Override public int getMaxUses() { return maxUses; } @Override public float getEfficiency() { return efficiency; } @Override public float getAttackDamage() { return attackDamage; } @Override public int getHarvestLevel() { return harvestLevel; } @Override public int getEnchantability() { return enchantablility; } @Override public Ingredient getRepairMaterial() { return repairMaterial.get(); } my registry for the item is: import com.NoPizzaPlease.smalltweaks.SmallTweaks; import com.NoPizzaPlease.smalltweaks.items.ItemFoods; import com.NoPizzaPlease.smalltweaks.tools.ModItemTierEnc_Pork; import com.NoPizzaPlease.smalltweaks.tools.ModItemTierPork; import com.NoPizzaPlease.smalltweaks.tools.ModItemTierSup_Pork; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup; import net.minecraft.item.SwordItem; import net.minecraftforge.fml.RegistryObject; import net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLJavaModLoadingContext; import net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister; import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistries; public static final RegistryObject<SwordItem> SUP_PORK_SWORD = ITEMS.register("sup_pork_sword", () -> new SwordItem(ModItemTierSup_Pork.SUP_PORK, 3, -1.0F, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT).)); i cant figure out where the enchantment glint tag should go. I've tried making a separate class and using the .getclass() attribute but i don't think that will work and i couldn't find the syntax args anywhere. Any help is appreciated. Yes i know my mod is based on pork.
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