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Everything posted by Deliphin

  1. Well, after some more tests, seems now I cant even get it to run with Forge! I load it up, no mods, no forge installed. I drag forge's contents in minecraft.jar (ignoring meta-inf, not deleting as I heard forge lets you keep it), I get a crash report in multimc, but it doesn't show up in minecraft. I then delete the meta inf, thinking maybe its somehow breaking it anyway, then I re-insert the forge meta-inf. It still crashes. I did this again with forge
  2. Seems the game breaks whenever its loaded up a second time, regardless if IC2 is in.
  3. Before you say it, yes, I'm getting permission as I add mods. Anyway, my pack seems to stop at a white screen whenever I add industrialcraft, when I remove it, it starts working again. Also, I get an error when trying to add Flans mod: MC Version: 1.4.7 Forge Version: EDIT: New problem, seems it's just outright not working anymore.. odd..
  4. No, it was that specific version. I tried the newest and it gave the same error.
  5. Can anyone find a tutorial that gives information on installing Forge AND Bukkit? Googling and searching youtube only brought me Bukkit Tutorials, and Forge Tutorials (for reg MC server, their tut's don't work with bukkit I found via testing.)
  6. Thank you EDIT: Does anyone happen to know WHY mystcraft needs this specific version? (I even tried the latest one and it didn't work, it wants
  7. So I was installing Mystcraft, I had forge ( installed already. When adding it to my mods, it said I needed Forge, so I went to see if there was an update, and there wasn't, so how am I supposed to get
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