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Everything posted by Xergz

  1. It wouldn't work since if I change the material strength it won't just make hoes stronger against a specific block, it's going to make every tool stronger against all blocks. And if I change that it could create incompatibilities with other mod. I'd know how to do it, but I'd have to modify the ItemHoe class which would, again, create possible incompatibilities... I want to make it without creating any incompatibilities.
  2. I want the existing hoes to be better to mine a block I've created.
  3. But ain't that method just returning the strength of the item? I can't modify that strenght using this... Or if I can't I don't know how.
  4. I want to make hoes which are already in Minecraft a new type of tool that can accelerate the gathering of certain blocks. In this case, straw. Here's my main code: And here's my block code if ever you need it. There is no mistake when I run it, but hoes don't accelerate the gathering of straw blocks... If anyone can explain me what I'm missing in this I'd be very thankful.
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