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Everything posted by connieisdead

  1. I was coding in a new entity and I went to run the client and test it out, and low and behold, this happens. I tried removing everything I had added but I still can't get it to run. I don't know if this is any help, but here is the run log.
  2. Thanks a ton, i'll give it a go.
  3. Hey! I am very new to modding and very very new to these forums. What I'd like to do is add a new mob that is essentially a variant of a default vanilla mob. Say, for example, I wanted to make a new parrot that spawns in the nether and has a different texture from the original parrots but still retained many of the attributes and animations that the vanilla parrots have. Modeling and texturing is no problem, but outside of that, I am lost. Is there any way to do this without completely rebuilding the mob from scratch. Once again I am new to modding and Java, so any help is very much appreciated!
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