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cringleman64's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thank you this not only helped but fixed the issue
  2. ah sorry my bad. also, am i committing a sin by uploading the .log like this? is there a better way or is it okay? debug.log
  3. I deleted it and started forge without any mods and it worked! but when I added the mods again i get the same error but the forge-client.toml file is nowhere to be seen. My best guess is that one of my mods is doing it but how do i see which one and how should i fix it?
  4. here ya go debug.log
  5. Hello, when i start minecraft 1.15.2 with forge it crashes with exit code -1. I've searched around for a bit about electronwill but I haven't found anything. log: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/15d4368a85e8475fb96943591253fb42 thanks!
  6. thank you good sir i greatly appreaciate your helping support i was able to fix the problem all thanks to you my fellow minecrafter and friend sincerely cringleman64
  7. When i start forge on 1.15 and 1.16 it immideatly crashes with exit code 0 I have tried assigning more ram and deleted the configs/fml.toml file but nothing works. heres a link to the log: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/6f212a2f4ec946bab943e644fa1a0ba4
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