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brotherdonteatme's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. is there any other fix because the server is hypixel which has more than 50k people playing at any given time and no one has the same problem as me
  2. bruh server owner is hypixel there are over 1m members no chance thats happening
  3. or is it unfixiable?
  4. so how to fix it?
  5. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6JbnTgM8kr/
  6. there is no debug log in my logs folder here is the screenshot of it
  7. but it is not there there are only latest.log and a bunch of log.gz
  8. where is the debug log?
  9. why is it not letting me upload
  10. latest.log negative_cache.txt
  11. So i am having this issue where in if i join a multiplayer server like hypixel,minecraft randomly disconnects me from the server which is very annoying as it happens a lot.I have counted at least 15 - 20 different types of errors but they always start with io.netty.handler.codec. Any solutions?
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