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TheOrionEmpire's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. also, im new to forge and dont know where to find the debug log
  2. Im not sure how to check. it is forge 1.16.1.
  3. I installed forge (1.16.1) and Java 8 onto my computer successfully. I go into my minecraft launcher, select forge, and then it starts its initial setup process. This goes fast until around 60-70% where it grinds to a screeching halt. It keeps loading for a bit after that, but then it starts going backwards until 20-30% and then freezes and crashes. I tried this 4 times (each took about 45 mins) and got pretty consistant results. I would really apreciate help, and would like to install mods. Thank you! (Note: i have tried reinstalling forge.) (Note 2: It is stuck on, to quote the startup, "Atlas Stitching : Minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png")
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