I have no idea, I am new to modding, and wanted to implement baritone to my mod, because I am fascinated by AI and machine learning, and wanted to try it out. I know it's considered a hack but I want to use it on my own singelplayer world trying to make stuff with it (I guess thats why my other treads got locked).
I am trying to import the baritoneapi and I am stuck at the mixins.
Fore more context: https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/issues/2040
Posted this in Moddersupport but it was locked becuase it was not allwed there, i hope its allowed here?
Hi thanks for your fast answer!
I figured it out:
KeyBinding keyCode = Minecraft.getInstance().gameSettings.keyBindUseItem.getKeyBinding();
KeyBinding.setKeyBindState(keyCode.getKey(), true);
Just have to figure out how to stop it from holding it down.
Which is better to use? Using Dummyuuid or uuid from playerentity?
ITextComponent msg = new StringTextComponent("msg");
UUID testuuid = Minecraft.getInstance().player.getUniqueID();
Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg, Util.field_240973_b_);
or is there no difference? And btw how do I change the title to solved as it is solved?
I am sorry for being an idiot, I am just now this this with Java and Forge. I stopped being stupid and fount that this worked as well as the other code where I took the UUID of the player.
Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg, Util.field_240973_b_);
I was trying to find something when typing "Util.DUMMY_UUID" and didn't find anyting, but then I looked at the return for it and saw that the "Util.field_240973_b_" was the only one with the return of a UUID. Is this the Dummy_UUID?
I am getting the error "Cannot resolve symbol 'DUMMY_UUID'".
Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg, Util#DUMMY_UUID);
Is it even this how you write it? And the other solution I made is that a good one, or is it bad?