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Everything posted by Philip2809

  1. I have no idea, I am new to modding, and wanted to implement baritone to my mod, because I am fascinated by AI and machine learning, and wanted to try it out. I know it's considered a hack but I want to use it on my own singelplayer world trying to make stuff with it (I guess thats why my other treads got locked).
  2. What is a coremod?
  3. IFMLLoadingPlugin renamed? can't import it via: net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.IFMLLoadingPlugin
  4. I am trying to import the baritoneapi and I am stuck at the mixins. Fore more context: https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/issues/2040 Posted this in Moddersupport but it was locked becuase it was not allwed there, i hope its allowed here?
  5. I am trying to import the baritoneapi and I am stuck at the mixins. Fore more context: https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/issues/2040
  6. Hi thanks for your fast answer! I figured it out: KeyBinding keyCode = Minecraft.getInstance().gameSettings.keyBindUseItem.getKeyBinding(); KeyBinding.setKeyBindState(keyCode.getKey(), true); KeyBinding.onTick(keyCode.getKey()); Just have to figure out how to stop it from holding it down.
  7. How to simulate right mouse button being held down? Is this too complicated or is there a simple command to simulate this? //Philip2809
  8. Hi, I understand that, didn't understand what he meant will telling the code. But the dummy thing wont break if I build the projcet?
  9. It's meant to the player from the mod when the player writes in a command ok thanks will do so
  10. Which is better to use? Using Dummyuuid or uuid from playerentity? ITextComponent msg = new StringTextComponent("msg"); UUID testuuid = Minecraft.getInstance().player.getUniqueID(); Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg,testuuid); or Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg, Util.field_240973_b_); or is there no difference? And btw how do I change the title to solved as it is solved?
  11. Ok thanks for all the help! I am wondering if one of them is better then the other, if so which is best?
  12. Hi! I am sorry for being an idiot, I am just now this this with Java and Forge. I stopped being stupid and fount that this worked as well as the other code where I took the UUID of the player. Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg, Util.field_240973_b_); I was trying to find something when typing "Util.DUMMY_UUID" and didn't find anyting, but then I looked at the return for it and saw that the "Util.field_240973_b_" was the only one with the return of a UUID. Is this the Dummy_UUID?
  13. I am really sorry but I am new both to forge and Java, how would you write this?
  14. Hi! I am getting the error "Cannot resolve symbol 'DUMMY_UUID'". Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg, Util#DUMMY_UUID); Is it even this how you write it? And the other solution I made is that a good one, or is it bad? //Philip2809
  15. I solved it, edited me post before, I don't know if I am doing it wrong becasue me DUMMY_UUID turns red? I am doing soemting wrong, but as I did now I got the Entity of the player. //Philip2809
  16. Hi, As I said I am new to this with forge and don't really understand how to get this dummy uuid? Might be a wierd qustion but if I now use a uuid but then put it to my forge with a real logged in player will it still work? Forget that, I solved it! Thanks to Draco18s and ChampionAsh5357 for the help. Here is how I did: ITextComponent msg = new StringTextComponent("msg"); UUID testuuid = Minecraft.getInstance().player.getUniqueID(); Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg,testuuid); I didn't figure it this DummyUUID thing, if u know how to get it please tell me. I tested this on LAN an it only displayed for the player with the mod and the one sending the command! //Philip2809
  17. Hi! Thanks for explaining this to me! I now understand what a UUID is and I have also found some website where you can find it. My final question is how do I do to add this UUID to the sendMessage function? Thanks //Philip2809
  18. Hi! Thanks for fast response, as I said before I am really new to this and have idea how to do this and almost all stuff I find form this is old and they have change the names of a lot of stuff? (no idea how to say it in one word) The mod I am creating if for the client only and not a mod for a server. I am sorry but I still don't really understand this with the UUID? Thanks //Philip2809
  19. Just as the title says, I trying to make a mod that will send a response by a chatmessage, an example of this is baritone, when you write a command it sends a response. Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendMessage(msg); I can't for the life of me get it to work, even with ITextComponent. I am new to forge modding, and weren't able to find any information about this, an even when i got ITextComponent to work it was asking for some UUID, if I understood it correctly? Thx for the help in advance! //Philip2809
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