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Everything posted by Chrys

  1. Hiya. I've run into an issue with my 1.16.1 (forge-1.16.1-32.0.108) server where none of the dimensions aside from vanilla ones are being registered and can't be travelled to via the normal ingame means (portal for Ratlantis). /forge dimensions only shows the vanilla three (overworld, nether, end) despite both Rats and Applied Energistics adding their own dimensions. Running the world in singleplayer temporarily fixes the issue, but after putting it back in the server folder and starting it up the dimensions no longer exist even if they've already been generated a little. Generating a new world with the same setup on the server did not fix the issue, and neither did generating a new world with fresh configs. World file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5re737e4qj15q0q/world.zip?dl=0 debug.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p33rhghzhfcx5xt/debug.log?dl=0
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