Can you have a server mod tell the client to display an item when a recipe is put into a crafting table? Right now I have a custom recipe which works, but unless the mod is also installed on the client, they can't see the output of the recipe until they click on it. I'm new to forge so if it can be done, if you can just point me in the right direction I can probably figure out the rest. Thanks!
Hmm the way Bukkit and Forge treat the word "Material" might be different. In minecraft you assign items an ID. For example, stone's ID is 1 and grass is 2 etc. Since the item is from an outside mod, I need to use the ID.
I'm trying to use the ID for something like this:
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(<item id>, 1), new Object[]{"XXX", "X X", Chatacter.valueOf('X'), <item id>});
Hi, I'm really new to Forge (I've been making bukkit plugins for a couple years) and am having trouble figuring out how to get a Material from an ID so that I can put it into a recipe. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I need the ID because the item is from a different mod.